Nice 750 shot, baker! Give you a 9.9 on that. Well done and an otherwise fine job too..
Jim, use your immense GOD GIVEN talents for good, not doing evil. You can still turn this around while you have breath. Time is short…you know.
Use a VPN on your phone, tether to a PC. Pick at VPN site in another country… nothing else, get on and post, disconnect for a while. VPN from a diff site.
Digitus Maximus Glorious!
Nice one JW…still have to wonder if by her being SO over-the-top if she isn't controlled oppo wearing a parody outfit. Just to use the old tactic of take the weird parts of the other side's argument and get a dork to shout it loud and proud as if they were plugged in. Isolate and amplify.
It'd be a real shame if true saint photographed a lot of those documents and made sufficient copies. Bad guys are stupid.
OpFor post.. division. Liberal Arts majors who can't get a job in a roaring economy making things, so they do all they can to destroy. Mom would be so proud. Dad wants his tuition money back.
Don't be connected to a wire or WiFi at the time…just tethered. Use the PC, but the phone's VPN'd tunnel. Then disconnect. Change VPN sites after a reboot.