Thank you baker! I put out the call for a baker and saw there weren't many notes in the pastebin so I got some. (Learning to bake, so was shadowing what to do if no one showed up–good that you did, baking in the morning way too fast for a newbie).
Reap the wind…..
> /
Guess what? Both links are dead…..
>>5347853 Brazilian immigrant assaults a man with MAGA hat, then says she's the victim
>>5347849 Macron MP Compares Traditional Marriage Activists to Islamic Terrorists
(like he doesn't have enough problems, he's got to create moar–good, faster REVOLUTION)
>>5347909 Microsoft staff protest over Pentagon contract for augmented reality tech ‘designed to kill people’
haha….MS should NEVER have set up in Redmond WA if they wanted to do that kind of shit, the locals are all granola ecologists, not into the MIC much. KEK.
>>5347932 Orbán faces backlash over billboard campaign
Official's name Gulyas means "goulash" in Hungarian….
There may be increasing attempts to "bait" us by guys like this–time to get very careful about checking out sources and all that.
thx you are right.
Keen eyed anon noticed there were spaces. I didn't notice either, kek.
How does she feel about those who make superior memes about her?
She's doing more good for POTUS & patriots than almost anyone I can think of–including those who are trying to support POTUS. And it's just effortless for her. Kekking all the way to the ballot box…..
It will be seen more than you know. But you can also post for evening, nighttime audience…..