Anonymous ID: a0a245 Feb. 23, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.5348610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8655

>>5348218 PB


Example of triangulation, re orientating yourself with a map. This sometimes means clarifying the map through understanding your immediate terrain.


See pic.




Find a feature or landmark. In this case, what are the letters that suggest a misspelling?


In Hamberders, e instead of u, d instead of g.


Swap the vowels (or swap the consonants), Hamberders and Hamburgers become Hamburders and Hambergers.


This is an intersection.


Is there a word that suggests itself right out the gate? Murders.


A name also suggests itself (in the context of Comey and Mueller). S Berger or Sandy Berger.


Remove these terms (murder and sberger) and what letters remain? HAB and HAM.


Another word for letters, with another meaning, is characters. When Q uses initials and abbreviations this is brought forth. Such denote characters or persons or entities and organizations.


HA has been used by Q to refer to Huma Abaden. HUMA has also been used to refer to the Harvard University Muslim Alumni.


This is another intersection. Both Huma Abedin and HUMA have significant connections with the Muslim Brotherhood. MB.


This accounts for the 4 letters noted: HAB and HAM. HA is noted twice, Huma Abedin and (taking an intuitive leap) HUMA. MB is a pair of letters pulled from both marks found earlier. MB is Muslim Brotherhood.


Pulling the word, murders, from HAMBURDERS is reinforced, obliquely, by the headline: Over 1,000 Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Murder and Sex Crimes. This works with the context of border security.


The name, Sandy Berger dropped from HAMBERDERS is likewise reinforced, again obliquely, by the Trump Admin's slogan, Border Security is National Security. Also note the context of Comey and Mueller. Bergers becomes S Berger by moving the s from the end to the beginning. Look backward, through a rearview mirror (think mirror as in the mirror of the compass) and trangulate past and present. See Sandy Berger role during the 911 hearings. Fall guy? Seemed absurd at the time.


This orientation is not the journey nor has it predicted a destination. Neither is the purpose of reading/forming a map that becomes useful by helping to learn what you can not see by marking what you can see.


That said, keep in mind that another name presents itself. Burger as in Warren E. Burger. Next step would be to intersect Burger with RBG, notoriously.


Q shed light on these methods, somewhat, starting at least with Q Post 128. You can find that post by searching for the phrase, Think Direction, because at present it is the only post in which that phrase is found. Everything has meaning?


Search at or (for 2 examples).


Cheers Anons.

Anonymous ID: a0a245 Feb. 23, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.5349081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>5072866 old bread


Q 2675 suggests that we re-visit old crumbs and see what might have been missed before. How? Through the image / imagined-nation.


This post features an image of a pair of F-15's flying over northern Iraq in twilight. Their silhouettes mirror each other. That hints of something that is, at first, only faintly apparent to the viewer.


The caption informs that the jets were returning from a mission in Syria (southwest of Iraq). Note that the sun is on the left hand side of the pilots. This would suggest a setting sun on the horizon in late evening.


That would mean Light to dark.


But the original Reuters caption also said that this photo was taken during the early morning, not late evening, while the jets flew over northern Iraq. The sun rises in the east so the sun should be on the right hand side of the pilots as they flew northward and away from Syria.


See story in Irish Times: "Air and missile strikes, thought to be carried out by US-led forces, hit oilfields and Islamic State bases in the eastern Syrian province of Deir al-Zor overnight and early today, a monitoring group said."


The image has been flipped or mirrored for publication. The jets flew northward with a rising sun on the horizon. The photographer was on the left hand side of the pilots when the photo was taken. The sun was actually on their right hand side.


That would mean Dark to light.


The observant, or active, viewer would need to resolve the apparent contradiction between the caption (heading north during early morning) and the flipped image (appearing to be headed north during late evening). One reads into the image, the information, what is not at first apparent.


Think mirror. Think direction.


This brings us back to the Cardinal Directions on the Compass Rose. Hours, minutes, seconds, like on a clock face.


Direction can suggest heading and orientation along a bearing. And a destination. Can also suggest instructions, guidance, orchestration ( ie you are watching a movie) driving the plot forward.


Where there is light there is a shadow cast (even if only faintly) whether the shadow cast is long or short.


Take an intuitive leap (you've packed your parachute, right?):




Feint is a pretended attack used to distract an enemy. In boxing, a feint may be a blow that provokes a defensive action to one part of the opponent’s body while the boxer delivers a more destructive punch to another part of the opponent’s body. A feint may be a fencing thrust that draws an opponent to protect one part of his body while the fencer delivers a fatal stroke to another part of the opponent’s body. In war, a feint is a troop maneuver that distracts the enemy from the real attack. Feint may also be used as a verb, meaning to make a feint.


Faint is used as a verb to mean to pass out or lose consciousness temporarily. As a noun, faint means a sudden loss of consciousness. Faint, as an adjective, means dim or hardly perceptible, vague, slight, feeble, lacking enthusiasm or half-hearted.


Definitions of feint and faint:




Disinformation is real and necessary. Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.