Anonymous ID: 2cd3e7 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.5349263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Look Around You, Who Is It That Betrays Every Thing You Believe In Country/President?


When it comes to mainstream media, its now become unreliable after push the “FAKE” lynching story, seemingly wanting a race war.

What would have happened if the world of “Q” and independent journalist hadn’t exposed the evil of those who lie?


How many lies have created a loss of life for another profit?


How many lies have take the U.S. into wars that have resulted in the death of millions, telling the citizens its for humanity? How long will people believe INSANITY?


Wake up and call on every congressman and woman who isn’t supporting POTUS, because he’s putting people first. Where are they putting you and the nation? Not supporting the POTUS? Your not supporting patriot, country, liberty, freedom, justice…LEAVE!


The only people who don’t want to disclose the “TRUTH” are people with something to hide!

Anonymous ID: 2cd3e7 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.5349298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘It’s a Rag’: Nebraska State Senator Likens American Flag to Nazi Swastika


A Nebraska state lawmaker has come under fire for calling the American flag “a rag” and comparing it to a Nazi Swastika.


Senator Ernie Chambers made the comments on the floor of the legislature on Feb. 19, when responding to a state bill (pdf) that would update school civics requirements to ensure that students “become competent, responsible, patriotic, and civil citizens.”


“I don’t come here for this rag every day, and it’s a rag. That’s all it is to me,” Chambers said when talking about the American flag.


“When you show a way to persuade Jews to sanctify and worship the swastika when you show me that I’ll come up here and stand while you all hypocritically pretend that rag is something that it definitely is not.”


Several state senators have reacted to Chambers’s remarks. Senator Julie Slama, who introduced the bill, said, “Sen. Chambers’ comments not only degrade a symbol of ultimate sacrifice for our nation, but they also minimize the horrors and millions of lives lost in the Holocaust,” reported Washington Examiner.


Similarly, Sen. Tom Brewer gave an emotional response on the floor of the unicameral to the comments on Feb. 21, reported KMTV. As someone who served in the military for more than 30 years, he shared what the flag means to veterans and their family.


“I think I speak for most of us that have worn the uniform. It rips our heart out to hear someone say that they refer to the flag as a rag because for those of us that have brought home those that we’ve lost, it’s hard to refer to the flag as a rag because you have to fold it and you have to give it to the parents—that’s awful hard to do,” Brewer said. This is not the first time Chambers has attracted attention for his controversial comments. In 2007, the senator filed a lawsuit against God asking for a “permanent injunction ordering Defendant to cease certain harmful activities and the making of terroristic threats,” reported Fox News.


The lawsuit also cites the “defendant directly and proximately has caused, inter alia, fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornados, pestilential plagues…”


He also received backlash in 2015 when he called the police “my ISIS,” in reference to the Islamic terrorist group. He said, “nobody from ISIS ever terrorized us as a people as the police do us daily. And they get away with it.”


Chambers, 81, is the longest-serving state senator in Nebraska and represents North Omaha’s 11th district.

Anonymous ID: 2cd3e7 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.5349329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9508 >>9543 >>9859 >>9938

More Than 100 Bills Proposed in 30 States to Expand, Restrict or Eliminate Vaccine Informed Consent Rights


As of Feb. 18, 2019, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is monitoring more than 100 bills filed in 30 states proposing to expand, restrict or eliminate vaccine informed consent rights.


Over President’s Day weekend, the NVIC Advocacy Portal team issued Action Alerts for vaccine bills introduced in the states of Connecticut, Nevada and Florida that threaten voluntary vaccine decision making, and also issued Action Alerts for the states of Oregon and Arizona that expand the ability to make informed voluntary decisions about vaccination. Additional bills may be filed during the next few weeks and more Action Alerts will be sent to registered users of the Portal.


Washington, Arizona, Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Oregon and Colorado are among the states that have either introduced bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions or there have been confirmed reports that similar legislation is under consideration. However, there are also a number of bills proposing to expand vaccine informed consent rights, including in Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and West Virginia. As of Feb. 18, NVIC has indicated support for 50 of the more than 100 vaccine-related bills introduced so far this legislative session.


Since 1982, NVIC has advocated for voluntary vaccine decision-making in the U.S. and the inclusion of flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions in public health policies and laws. In 2010, the free online communications network, the NVIC Advocacy Portal was launched to inform the public about proposed vaccine-related bills and to email Action Alerts to registered Portal users and put them in direct electronic contact with their own legislators.


NVIC monitors and reports on vaccine-related legislation that affects children and adults living in the U.S., including parents of minor children; foster parents; college students; health care providers and other adults whose lives are impacted by vaccination policies and laws.

Anonymous ID: 2cd3e7 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.5349518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9524 >>9535 >>9579 >>9597 >>9665

Zionist Meltdown - Cleanup Operation Ongoing - Update: Feb. 23, 2019


According to Benjamin Fulford, his sources have alerted that a lot of senior Zionists are being taken out and removed from the planet in the traditional sense.


And that we (the people) are going to see very big changes.


This is all very breaking stuff, he says; and will have the full details in March (2019).


And reiterated that a lot of the bad guys are being actively hunted down, and we’re going to start seeing it in the form of changes in government, in places like France, England and Japan.


And said: “You watch and see.”

Anonymous ID: 2cd3e7 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.5349572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9619 >>9827

Trump Employs QAnon Believer Elizabeth Alfieri as Pastry Chef at Mar-a-Lago


Pastry chef Elizabeth Alfieri bakes cakes and posts about her belief in a conspiracy theory that Democrats are pedophiles.



Anonymous ID: 2cd3e7 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.5349635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9859 >>9938

After AIPAC rebuke, Netanyahu defends aiding Kahanists: ‘Hypocrisy by the left’


PM says ‘left acted to bring extreme Islamists into Knesset’ while now damning ‘union with right-wing parties’; Otzma Yehudit: AIPAC want left in power, government that cedes land


After facing heavy criticism in recent days for brokering a political deal that could see the extremist Otzma Yehudit party enter the Knesset, and following a rare rebuke from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday evening fired back at critics.


“What hypocrisy and double standards by the left,” he wrote on Facebook, in a post that did not mention AIPAC. “They’re condemning [the formation of] a right-wing majority bloc with right-wing parties, while the left acted to bring extreme Islamists into the Knesset to create a majority bloc.”


He then went on to list several instances of alleged support by left-wing politicians for radical Arab legislators and leaders.


“In 1999 [Ehud] Barak took part in a campaign rally with the inciting Sheik Raed Salah,” he said, referring to the Islamist cleric who has repeatedly been arrested for fomenting violence. (The Haaretz newspaper noted that Barak took a tour in the Arab town of Umm al-Fahm during the campaign, which Salah, then the mayor, attended.)


“Representatives of Labor and Meretz voted for Azmi Bishara, who spied for Hezbollah, to enter the Knesset, and [Isaac] Herzog sought a surplus vote agreement with the Joint List and said the Arab MKs were legitimate in the government,” Netanyahu also wrote.

Anonymous ID: 2cd3e7 Feb. 23, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.5349688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jews really don’t own Hollywood: Chosen get few Oscar nods, are played by goyim


If you’re rooting for Members of the Tribe this year, you might be disappointed. But there’s plenty of other gold at Sunday’s Awards


NEW YORK — Of all the anti-Semitic canards the one I’m least likely to push back on is “The Jews control Hollywood.” It’s undeniable that a century ago Jews used ingenuity and foresight to create an industry out of dreams and light when other occupational doors were slammed in their faces. Additionally, movies are great! Why should we try to camouflage our success in this field?


But this year Hollywood’s biggest victory lap, the Academy Awards, feels a little off. There is some Jewish representation in the running, but not nearly as much as we’ve grown accustomed to. For something our haters say we rule with a money-grimed fist, the Oscars of 2019 is practically Judenrein.


Of the performers or directors this year, only one, Rachel Weisz from “The Favourite,” is Jewish, and despite her movie’s name she’s a long shot. (“Vice” director Adam McKay’s wife is Jewish, plus he’s friends with Paul Rudd, so maybe he gets partial credit.) What’s weird, though, is that two of the performances are for characters whose Jewishness is core to their story, yet they are played by non-Jews.


Film historian Eric A. Goldman, who has literally written the book on this subject with “The American Jewish Story Through Cinema,” “Visions, Images & Dreams: Yiddish Film Past & Present” and a forthcoming work about Israeli film, says that movie makers and Jewish audiences are now, perhaps for the first time, “comfortable” with the portrayal of Jews in cinema.


“In classic Hollywood, Jews would avoid playing Jews for fear of being stereotyped. In the late 1970s and 1980s there was something of a coming out,” according to Goldman.


The issue of representation is a hot topic for other minorities. Steven Spielberg’s upcoming remake of “West Side Story” is currently finding its way through early dialogue with the Latino community. Less successful was a project announced by Scarlett Johansson called “Rub and Tug,” in which Johansson was to have played a transgender man. That project was effectively shut down by preemptive outrage.




Note the title of this article, YOU ARE SHEEP/CATTLE to (((them)))