Smollett Disinformation:
Assuming the ends justify the means. 'Accidentally' causing much Civil unrest, possible riots, maybe a Race War in which many completely innocent people are killed, and others caught up in the fallout are harmed due to unlivable circumstances…
Q disinformation:
Assuming the ends justify the means. Proclaim 'suicide weekends,' (where presumably, the 'guilty' will think they are about to be caught, so they take their own lives.) Make the Cabal go crazy,(murdering extremely low-level traitors to keep them from talking, train accidents, planes falling out of the sky, various mass shootings in which a few people actually die to preserve the cover-up,) staging False Flag events, 'accidentally' causing much Civil unrest, increase in violent leftist projection and rhetoric, leading to possible riots, gun grabs, in which many completely innocent people are killed, and others caught up in the fallout are harmed due to unlivable circumstances, including those who are Patriots…