Anonymous ID: 12d074 Feb. 23, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.5350344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0673





The Sex Industry and Monarchs


The global pornography industry relies heavily on Monarchs. In the age of the Internet, the average person simply won't perform sexual acts in front of a camera knowing that much of the world may have access to the images. So, hundreds of Monarchs are produced each year specifically for the pornography industry. Many of the women in pornography have tatoos resembling a butterfly or other winged creature that identifies them as belonging to one group or another. Tattooed Monarchs are usually not used for espionage work.


The Franklin Coverup, Presidio and Finders cases both document how the CIA uses children as sex slaves to spread influence and blackmail people in positions of power.


Celebrities as Monarchs


Most every person put forward as a celebrity is a Monarch. The reason for this is that the ruling elite do not want to risk someone in the public eye not being under their control. The elite want to avoid the damage that can be caused if someone famous exposes the crimes of the elite or the governments/corporations they control.


In the 1968 Peter Sellers movie "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas" there is a strange scene where Peters Sellers notices a butterfly tattoo on the thigh of the character "Nancy" and asks "Is that a butterfuly? A Monarch butterfly?" . The scene doesn't have any purpose other than to perhaps communicate a message about the Monarch program.