>>5349982 lb
>Are they keeping this quiet?
considering what happened last time (magical "helicopter" missile), that would make sense
>>5349982 lb
>Are they keeping this quiet?
considering what happened last time (magical "helicopter" missile), that would make sense
begone thoath
> saying the travel would take him "several days".
what's that saying again about "the travel is the destination"?
lots of time to talk on a train
> I wasn't the one who posted it.
yeah, i saw that after, wouldn't have thunk you'd be a tag-teamer jumping to defend that.
it sucks.
sucked the first time posted but it does a little more every time it's copypasta'ed.
just that would be enough to shit on it, but the barely hidden reversal at play is about as annoying.
we're not big on hailing satan here, even when DUDEBRO IT'S A JOKE HAHAHA
seen a lot of shit.
would you searchengine a few things before showcasing your ignorance please?
< old copypasta
oh i see you moving those goalpoasts,
avoiding the issue at hand,
conflating unrelated things,
attempting mockery at anon who points out your garbage
another layer of mockery attempt,
with simultaneous good-cop twist.
transparent, you are.
>You just gotta believe in something bigger than yourself to
be alive and not want to kill yourself.
and people wonder why there's a "depression epidemic"…
pretty sure most of the AOC spamposting isn't legit anons