Tebow Foundation?
Mission trips (kids)?
"I'm a Jesus follower …" - Tebow
Tebow Foundation?
Mission trips (kids)?
"I'm a Jesus follower …" - Tebow
kek, nice work.
Monitor your shadowban.
When I mess with shills and hurt their lies with Anon truth, shadow ban soon after.
What's crazy is that this is the music dumbing down America, making gangsters look admirable to youngsters, hos outa young women, glory to guns, glory to drugs, do as thou wilt etc.
Same music we use for motivation, same music infecting the World.
If these rappers were real real, what would they rap about?
Are you following the stars?
Are you listening to the the stars?
Are you buying their product?
Are you making them rich?
Who has the power?
Bless the Bakers.
shills are stupid.
Obvious shills prove Q, easy filter.
racism is stupid.
Thank you Sessions.
Be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills.
>"You attack those you fear the most" - Q
>Let it go, or what you fear the most wins.
Changing subjects, don't be like a dem.
Now hit them with the proofs/memes.