Titanium comes from the moon. Mining location.
Mhm.. Why is the moon so important to physically access? Has the enemy had access to the moon? And for how long? Do we need to secure the moon to prevent the enemy's exploits there? Soon.
>I'm not even sure Jesus could purge all of the demons out of that house.
Why Anon, He is God Almighty. Don't diminish Him. Exalt Him.
Interesting who didn't make the list.
Like setting the stage for setting a precedent?
Um.. no… Anon.. the link Q posted was embedded in the article HRC posted on Twat.
Scroll down about mid-way "same group of accounts" is where it is embedded.
I know what space is. Now tell me why you feel the need to tell me what you cannot possibly know I do or do not know.
>So when we pray and use the ending you used here, we are actually directing our prayer to that evil god.
The most actual bullshit posted today.
The word means support, Amon was a builder.
Nice try, Satan.
I don't need to. I read the original. Just like you did, Satan. You won't ever succeed here.