My Father served in Vietnam. He wasn't allowed to win in Vietnam. President Trump will win BIG in Vietnam.
Hey Marxists…
Yea, we know you're here doing opposition research. Have you really ever thought the end game out? Turn violent and it is SO FUCKING over for you, here, in the United States of America. If your 1st amendment take-down works [it won't] then there is the 2nd. Do you actually believe that Service Academy graduate Officers will commit treason? Just because you and yours applaud treasonous acts does not mean the great Men and Women of our armed services will. Illegal orders are just that. So, be careful of that civil war which you desire so much. You're little fucktard selves will be eliminated so very Quickly in a senseless venture. Best just move to Venezuela now so you can make a difference in socialist society. They need you more than you know.