Perfect timing as we're exposing freemasons. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Instead of outing them to the MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA, send the info to anons and we'll take care of them. I work with a few groups that hunt down pedos. No time to put the innocent in danger. Time to KILL people who harm children.
>THOSE were the good old days.
We can begin again. #OPpedoHunter(s) on Twitter. Find us. Remain anonymous but if you have intel on trafficking or diddlers, let us know. We will give the data to the mainstream cunts after we dispose of the pedo's body. No more slap on the wrists for these guys. No more jail stays on the taxpayer's dime.
Whoever still has a masonickikebook is a fucking sheep.
Hey pops, I rolled this myself. Pass it back. I need some cannabis asap. Miss smoking and meme'in
Freemasons are faggot. Link me to the book though, anon.
KEK. Fucking saved anon.