Anonymous ID: c48662 Feb. 23, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.5355486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5524 >>5564 >>5626 >>5853 >>6034 >>6119 >>6161

Mike Pompeo Says Regime Change Is Also Planned for Nicaragua and Cuba, Not Only Venezuela


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo admitted that US policy includes “moving against regimes that are no democratic” such as Cuba and Nicaragua, not simply Maduro’s government in Venezuela, in an interview with Telemundo on February 22nd.


“If you’re moving against these regimes that are not democratic, many Nicaraguan people, Cuban people are saying, “Are you going to help us next?” Cristina Londono asked.


“Yes, President Trump’s administration has done so and will continue to do so not just in Venezuela but certainly Nicaragua and Cuba as well. And you see that. You see that in the policies. They’re very different from the previous administration. They recognize that these governments are treating their people harshly, presenting real risks, security risks to the people, privacy risks, denying them basic liberties. And these are not the kind of things that ought to happen in the Western Hemisphere, and the United States under President Trump is working diligently in not just Venezuela but each of those two countries to achieve good outcomes for those people. The people need to lead those efforts. I’m convinced that they are determined to do it as well. The American people will support them.”


So, regime change is not only on the table, it’s a sought-after objective, not only in Venezuela, but also in Nicaragua, Cuba and possibly and likely others in the future.


Pompeo also spoke of the humanitarian aid, claiming that he hoped the Maduro government would let the aid in and that it is listening. Urging the Venezuelan military to allow the aid and not keep the population hungry.


He also once more reiterated that “every option is on the table.” This was in response to a question by Londono, alleging that Maduro may “turn on his people” and if in such a case the US is ready to defend the Venezuelan people from their own government if push comes to shove.


“We’ve talked about the fact that every option’s on the table, but we are very hopeful that the Venezuelan people and the Venezuelan military will come to understand that Maduro’s days are past, that the regime that has created these conditions ought not be permitted to continue to inflict this kind of pain and desperation on the Venezuelan people, such desperation that 10 percent of the Venezuelan population chose to leave the country. This is a rich nation with a long and wonderful history, and with the right leadership can be so again. So my fervent hope is that the Venezuelan people will resolve this without violence, with a political solution that gets what the Venezuelan people so richly deserve: a free, democratic nation that can be on the road towards economic recovery with all the liberty that the Venezuelan people deserve.”


NEOCONS running the US for Israel, nothings changed blah blah blah not policeman of the world……..

Anonymous ID: c48662 Feb. 23, 2019, 8:41 p.m. No.5355512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5626 >>5853 >>6034 >>6161

Clinton Emails Reveal Direct US Sabotage of Venezuela


As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton led a team committed to delegitimising the politics of the late Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution.


Hillary Clinton with former Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez (EFE).


While Hillary Clinton publicly welcomed improved relations with Venezuela as secretary of state, she privately ridiculed the country and continued to support destabilisation efforts, revealed her emails leaked by WikiLeaks.


In 2010, Clinton asked Arturo Valenzuela, then assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs, how “to rein in Chavez.” Valenzuela responded that, “We need to carefully consider the consequences of publicly confronting him but ought to look at opportunities for others in the region to help.”


His answer was in line with the U.S. embassy strategy in 2006, also revealed in WikiLeaks intelligence cables: “Creative U.S. outreach to Chavez’ regional partners will drive a wedge between him and them,” said the confidential cable from the embassy. “By refusing to take each of Chavez’s outbursts seriously, we frustrate him even more, paving the way for additional Bolivarian miscalculations. We also allow room for other international actors to respond.”


Spain was among the countries willing to help the U.S. in its subversive foreign relations strategy. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright passed on a message from the administration of conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in 2012 expressing intentions “to re-orient Spanish foreign policy so that it can work with the U.S. in Latin America, especially on Venezuela and Cuba … As a transition in Cuba and something significant in Venezuela (and possibly the Andes) loom, a stronger working relationship between the U.S. and Spain could be very helpful.”


When keeping an eye on regional meetings, Clinton was especially concerned with Venezuela. Responding to a United Nations statement against the coup in Honduras in 2009—that she supported—Clinton shifted the attention to Venezuela: “Ok—but have they ever condemned Venezuela for denying press freedom?” she wrote to Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan.


He responded “I highly doubt it. And that is just the tip of the iceberg,” to which Clinton wrote, “Ah, the proverbial iceberg.”


Clinton was cautious not to respond to all of Hugo Chavez’s “antics,” but her staff insisted that Venezuelan politics were a threat to U.S. interests.


The US Role in the Failed Attempt to Overthrow Hugo Chavez

Anonymous ID: c48662 Feb. 23, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.5355647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5690 >>5853 >>6034 >>6161

Saudi Arabia appoints daughter of former spy chief as US ambassador


Saudi Arabian government has appointed the daughter of Bandar bin Sultan, the notorious former intelligence chief, as its new ambassador to the United States.


Princess Reema bint Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz received the royal decree on Saturday to become the new Saudi envoy to Washington.


Reema, who has lived in the US for a long time, would be the first female Saudi ambassador.


His father, Bandar bin Sultan, also served as the Saudi envoy to the US for 22 years ending in 2005. He is well known for his alleged role in massive arms deals between Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom that ended in 2006. He is believed to have pocketed about two billion dollars in bribery from more than 43 billion pounds earned by the British defense company BAE Systems.


Bandar also served as Saudi intelligence chief between between 2012 and 2014.


The appointment come as part of series of royal decrees which also ordered the former Saudi ambassador to the US, Prince Khaled bin Salman, a son of reigning monarch King Salman, to serve as deputy to his powerful brother Mohammed bin Salman in the ministry of defense.


Bin Salman the senior, only 33 and considered the de factor ruler of Saudi Arabia, is currently leading a devastating war on Saudi Arabia’s southern neighbor Yemen.


As part of the decrees, it was announced that Saudi soldiers fighting on southern brothers will receive a one-month salary bonus.


More than 1,500 Saudi soldiers have been killed during nearly four years of war on Yemen, many of them in counter-attacks by Yemenis on military positions in southern Saudi territories.


The illegal Saudi war on Yemen has left thousands of Yemeni civilians dead while inflicting huge humanitarian catastrophe on the impoverished nation.

Anonymous ID: c48662 Feb. 23, 2019, 8:52 p.m. No.5355680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5853 >>6034 >>6161

MI-6 chief in Israel to meet with Mossad about possible Iran nuclear race


British intelligence MI6’s chief Alex Younger met recently with Mossad director Yossi Cohen in Israel to coordinate intelligence efforts over concerns that Iran may be gearing up to race toward developing a nuclear weapon.


According to a Channel 13 report on Friday night, the meeting took place at the beginning of last week, and signaled a new level of seriousness in Western intelligence concerns regarding Iran.


The Prime Minister’s Office declined to comment.


Although Israel has been warning the world that Tehran would find ways to cheat on the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the UK and other EU countries have continued to support the deal – even actively opposing new US sanctions imposed in August and November.


In recent weeks, the EU has raised its pressure on the Islamic Republic to cease ballistic missile testing and its interventions in Syria, though those issues were left out of the nuclear deal.


The UK and the EU’s viewing of Iran’s secret nuclear files to make five nuclear weapons – shown to them after the files were obtained by a Mossad operation in January 2018 which Cohen directly presided over – is believed to have set off red flags.


In addition, Iranian leaders have publicly ramped-up their rhetoric of threats to restart enriching uranium for nuclear weapons at a larger volume following the US’s new sanctions.


Tehran’s statements have also included indications that they can easily undo any changes they made to their Arak plutonium nuclear reactor as part of the deal to reopen the path to a weapon using plutonium.


At the same time, the IAEA continues to issue reports, including on Friday, stating that to date, Iran has not violated the nuclear deal.


This would mean that regardless of whatever threat Iran might pose if and when it decides to leave the deal – barring a current clandestine program that even the Mossad has not detected – the Islamic Republic’s volume of uranium is around a third of what would be needed for a nuclear weapon.


There are ongoing debates about whether it would take Iran six months or a full year to enrich enough uranium for a weapon, and it is also unknown how long it would take for Tehran to be able to deliver a nuclear bomb on a missile.


Israeli military intelligence recently estimated that the whole process could take around two years, but past estimates on such issues regarding North Korea have been both overly optimistic and pessimistic at different stages.

Anonymous ID: c48662 Feb. 23, 2019, 8:54 p.m. No.5355708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5894

Meet Stuart Jolly, ex-Trump staffer now working as DC lobbyist for Qatar


The Qatari government has hired ex-Trump campaign staffer Stuart Jolly as a lobbyist for the kingdom in Washington, DC.


The former national field director for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was registered as a foreign agent of Qatar late last year, Politico reported Saturday.


Jolly joined the list of allies of former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski that have forged ties to Doha.


The energy-rich Persian Gulf kingdom is under a Saudi-led diplomatic and trade boycott over alleged support for terrorism.


Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have cut off diplomatic ties with Qatar after officially accusing it of “sponsoring terrorism.”


On June 9, 2017, Qatar strongly dismissed allegations of supporting terrorism after the Saudi regime and its allies blacklisted dozens of individuals and entities purportedly associated with Doha.


Hiring Jolly could be part of Doha’s efforts to put an end to the Saudi imposed blockade.


According to Politico, “Doha hopes the US government — which maintains a strategically vital airbase in the country — will pressure its neighbors to end the blockade.”


Jolly’s employment at Qatar’s embassy in Washington came as a subcontractor to Gary Silversmith, a Washington lawyer.


“Frankly, they didn’t really need anything,” Silversmith said of his clients. “They never really asked me to do anything."

Anonymous ID: c48662 Feb. 23, 2019, 9:08 p.m. No.5355909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5927

By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War


I was born into an upper middle class Jewish family in Short Hills, New Jersey, which at the time of my birth was the 3rd wealthiest community in the US. I enjoyed the luxuries that accompanied that lifestyle. We had, of course, a black maid that lived in our 3 room basement and my clothes were cleaned, pressed and laid out on the bed so I could dress for school. I went to 6 years of Hebrew School and then was Bar-Mitzvahed in 1968. I am now an Atheist, quite militant about it too, but that's not the point. The point is that I have only Jewish relatives and many, all now dead, had tattoos on their upper arms. I saw them as a child. We didn't talk about them but every once in a while a sleeve would slip and a tattoo would be briefly exposed. They weren't roses, they were numbers tattooed by the German military. I saw them.


Think about how that might effect a young child as well as the grown man I am today. It was heartbreaking to fully understand the circumstances behind those tattoos. My relatives were numbered, like cattle. It was awful.


So, before anyone yells anti-Semite or "self-hating Jew," choose your words very carefully because I am neither. I digest and assimilate only factual data. The rest is opinion and I care little for it.


The following post is an historic account dating all the way back to WWI and bringing us current and it describes in irrefutable detail the fact that 9/11 was an Israeli Mossad adventure, what events led up to it, how it was designed and how it was designed to do precisely what it did. Incite never-ending war between Arab countries and the USA. It did that. The historic details below are accurate, they are undeniable and they are irrefutable and, after reading this account if you agree I would appreciate your sending anyone you care to here to read it. It will especially enlighten those friends and family you may have that are still skeptical in regard to the origins of the 9/11 conspiracy. It is an historic account. There are links in the text supported by notes at the end of the final chapter.


The book that this account is taken from, which by the way gives copyright permission to distribute this account far and wide for non-commercial use, starts with two quotes.


“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer - German philosopher, 1788-1860


"History is indeed little more than the register of crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind."

Edward Gibbon - British historian, 1737-1794 From Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire




By Dr. Albert D. Pastore Phd.





Anonymous ID: c48662 Feb. 23, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.5355927   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We may debate as to exactly what extent this Zionist-British dirty deal was responsible for dragging the sons of America off to die in a European bloodbath. Some, such as Freedman, believe it was the only reason that the US entered the war. Others, such as this writer, believe it was a primary contributing factor. But let us at this point agree on this one irrefutable point: the Zionists had no aversion to seeing Americans die for their own selfish interests. Even the Encyclopedia Britannica and Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia (look under "Balfour Declaration) confirm this little known fact of World War I. Here's the excerpt from Microsoft Encarta:




"The Balfour Declaration was a letter prepared in March 1916 and issued in November 1917, during World War I, by the British statesman Arthur James Balfour, then foreign secretary….Specifically, the letter expressed the British government's approval of Zionism with "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." The letter committed the British government to making the "best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done to prejudice the rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." "The immediate purpose was to win for the Allied cause in World War I the support of Jews in the warring nations and in the United States. As a result of the Balfour Declaration, Israel was established as an independent state in 1948 in the mandated area." 16


It's also worth mentioning at this point that when the British dismantled the Ottoman Empire after World War I, they created many smaller nations. The oil rich, puppet kingdom of Kuwait was formed by slicing off the southern coastal tip of what we now know as the nation of Iraq. As a result of this arbitrary redrawing of the Ottoman map, a bitter conflict was created between Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq has always considered Kuwait as its true southern province. This is what ultimately led to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1991 and the Gulf War.

