Anonymous ID: 0cb4b2 Feb. 23, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.5356304   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5356123 (pb)

Cause it works…but it's not simple, one needs a doctor…my shit…you can do all by yourself. Simple plant medicine.


BTW they don't want to cure you…that's not gonna make them money. They want to treat you.


Once you start studying on the spirochete conspiracy you will get ill…billions and billions of dollars every year…for things like Alzheimer, ALS, Parkinson…MS…billions…and they have known for over 50 years…spirochetes.


I do now know why we do not execute these people.



>It’s not about severing cables it’s about control.


And control can be eliminated by severing the cables no matter who controls the servers…it's that simple. You can have all the servers you want but if you've not got cables…well you're SOL.


Well I've said my piece…with all this "we lurve civilians" shit talking from USA…well fuck off same Clinton…same Obama…same shit..toss the peasants a bone keep them busy memeing, they won't care what other country we fuck over.


build them a nice beautiful wall…but never mention the thousands of corporations breaking existing US law by hiring illegals…nope don't mention that, never do anything about that…shhh build a wall, point at it a lot…there IS a crisis at the border, fuck we don't have jobs for all of them do we?


this is a bunch of bullshit…pretending to care about civilians in Venezuela…while French people been getting mowed down for weeks now…right. Fuck off..Qush…sleepy sleepy…


Trump tried….but..same same same…I'll give him credit, neither Hillary or Obama ever bothered with tossing bones…so thanks for the bones.


but…pic related.