Anonymous ID: 61f894 Feb. 23, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.5357086   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7122

Flying people to the edge of Space with primitive tech when there's moar advanced, safer, tech available but it's being kept hidden.


Already got a co-pilot killed.

Charging $250,000 per ticket, kek. What a joke.

Anonymous ID: 61f894 Feb. 23, 2019, 11:40 p.m. No.5357286   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7304 >>7347






Pic related for last link.

Now where have we seen that name in red before?

Anonymous ID: 61f894 Feb. 23, 2019, 11:46 p.m. No.5357331   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7645 >>7698

Iran says successfully fires missile from submarine in Gulf war games


DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran successfully tested a cruise missile on Sunday during naval exercises near the Strait of Hormuz, Iran’s state media reported, at a time of heightened tensions with the United States.


Tehran has in the past threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, a major oil shipping route at the mouth of the Gulf, in retaliation for any hostile U.S. action, including attempts to halt Iranian oil exports through sanctions.


In August, Washington said Iran had test-fired a short-range anti-ship missile in the strait during naval drills it believed were intended as a warning following President Donald Trump’s decision to reimpose sanctions on Tehran.


“On the third day of the … exercises, a Ghadir-class Iranian navy submarine successfully launched a cruise missile,” the official news agency IRNA reported.


Iran’s other submarines, the Tareq and the new domestically built Fateh (Conqueror) have the same anti-ship capability, IRNA quoted a military statement as saying.


More than 100 vessels were taking part in the ongoing three-day war games in a vast area stretching from the Strait of Hormuz to the Indian Ocean, state media reported.


Trump pulled out of an international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program last May and reimposed sanctions on Tehran.


Iran’s expansion of its missile program, particularly its ballistic missiles, has been met with expressions of concern by the United States and European countries. Tehran says the program provides deterrent capabilities and is defensive.


The USS John C. Stennis entered the Gulf in December, ending a long absence of U.S. aircraft carriers in the waterway.


Western experts say Iran often exaggerates its weapons capabilities, although there are concerns about its long-range ballistic missiles.


Anonymous ID: 61f894 Feb. 23, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.5357404   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7705


If they show the facts, ie, that it's all one big circle jerk, fukken clown show running the world then it'd threaten our Rulers' position over us and it would trigger nuclear war.

For instance, we give isreal 30$ billion in aide, they in turn give that to China for some tech deal, then China buys our fukken soy for the same price.

It's all a fukken shit show to rule us.

They keep flying in their jets, inhaling their caviar, raping babies, while telling us sheep that it's all under control.

Anonymous ID: 61f894 Feb. 24, 2019, 12:20 a.m. No.5357656   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7717

Joe Biden puts foreign policy at heart of his 2020 presidential bid

Campaign is in its infancy, but contenders already looking to distinguish themselves in a crowded Democratic field


WASHINGTON (AP) — In town halls, television interviews and social media posts, Democratic presidential candidates are touting their support for “Medicare-for-all,” higher taxes on the wealthy and a war on climate change. But foreign policy, one of the chief responsibilities of a president, is largely taking a back seat on the campaign trail.


Former vice president Joe Biden is seizing on that opening to position himself as the sole global policy expert in a crowded Democratic field if he decides to run for president.


In a series of speeches over the past month, Biden portrayed himself as an authoritative counterweight to US President Donald Trump’s isolationist and nationalistic impulses. Last week, he told an audience in Germany that his vision of America “stands up to the aggression of dictators.” The problems of the 21st century, he later said at the University of Pennsylvania, can’t be solved “without there being cooperation.” His advisers have endorsed his foreign policy credentials to key political operatives and allies in early-voting states.


The moves reflect the vulnerabilities Biden, a 76-year-old firmly aligned with the Democratic establishment, could exploit in a crowded primary with rivals who are decades younger and working overtime to appeal to the party’s liberal base. In that kind of race, Biden could carve out space as a battle-tested statesman with the experience to stabilize America’s role in the world.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who has already pledged to support Biden over home-state colleague Kamala Harris, recently summed up his advantage: “Huge international experience,” she told reporters. “And a knowledge that’s really unparalleled in terms of what’s happening in the world.”


The rest at sauce.


But again, anons already knew they'd be gearing up Creepy Uncle Joe for a 2020 bid.

Please do, it'll be the end of his career.

If he's not already one of the sealed indictments.