Is this part of the green plan?
I have given up on organized religion.
Any church I've ever belonged to was run by what spouse anon and I have called "the five mafia families"
There always seems to be five families that run everything. And if you don't like the way they run things you can leave.
So we left!
Doesnt fit their narrative
Taking guns away from law abiding citizens fits their narrative
HRC is a witch
When Bill was gov of Arkansas, he said Hillary would fly to Calif for the weekend to be with her coven sisters
I was raised Protestant but we had lots of friends who were Catholic
My mom told us not to arge religion with them bc they were Christians too, but they just went through a lot of extra motions
It was a good way to keep friends.
I am definitely a part of the church universal, the body of believers.
It's organized religion, I have a problem with.
I am not a leader by nature, i pretty much mind y own business.
But im not a follower either, i dont want to be take advantage of and bossed around.
I have bea member of several protestant churches, and it seems as if there are always five families who have a lot of money who buy their own way on every thing and i refuse to be a part of their club