FWIW I'n in southern California and the rain is normal. The only drought. we have here is executing fake LEOs. They pimp. They deal drugs.
The work for Jewry Brown.
FWIW I'n in southern California and the rain is normal. The only drought. we have here is executing fake LEOs. They pimp. They deal drugs.
The work for Jewry Brown.
He's a mess. Let him run, down.
I love this my president.
He didn't have to do it.
They aren't coming after him. They are coming for us. He's just in their way.
When the MSM shills "inform" you a serf-made billionaire is dumb, you really have to question that.
He is a great man, THE BEST
But I still won't show my work to the monkeys The rest of you still have to earn it, and you haven't.
I have all of it.
He is MY President. I have thanked his family for enduring this. You should too. In writing, for the history you are making.
This soviet drone claims a PhD in physics,
I can nail her, but I don't ave a PhD because I'm white and male.
Hold my beer.
Wow! Germany has revoked my passport.
Got it? Government is the problem. Global gubs.
Step Up. Now.
Time to go.
I love these losers.
Kids, don't be like Acosta. He's an asshole.