Looking at that little debacle with the little green kids meeting up with Diane Feinstein at her office and Diane doing her best wicked witch of the west routine on them, I would imagine she's pretty pissed at AOC about now. Seeing as AOC in big on the GreenNewDeal and it's beginning to look like it's take a big bite outta Diane's ass about now.
Q pretty much told us these DS players are out in the cold and they don't have access to the plethora of wet works they had in order to make their threats a reality for those who don't follow in lock step. Ref: Comey. We know Q has been watching Diane and her little trips to China closely and I don't doubt one of Diane's surprises at that FBI Kavanaugh disclosure session in the back room where she came out looking like she had just seen a ghost, had more to do with the goods they had on her that was disclose then.
I'm sure Diane doesn't have the wet works option in her arsenal anymore. But I'm sure she would like to take AOC out at this point. I wonder if her frustration is because she has been gelded?