Twitter is fucking with Bolton's Tweets. They did this to POTUS a while back too. They are stalling his tweets and when they finally show up on feeds, they are out of context and confusing. ( ignored for lack of clarity. the first of these tweets just showed up on my feed even though it is 30 minutes old and the second has not showed up yet. I had to go to his profile to find it.
Maybe we could bring attention to the arrests of Trump supporters finally happening in hopes it stops them. They have gotten away with it for so long they think it is ok. Show them the consequences.
Schiff intentionally setting a goal post that can never be reached. The underlying evidence can never be released if a trial never happened or if it was acquired using classified sources and methods.
I announced Bolton's Twitter account fuckery here and a few minutes later it is fixed. I did this when they were hiding POTUS tweets from me and the same reaction. Fixed in minutes.