Anonymous ID: 170223 Feb. 24, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.5362488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2635

Night Baker posted a Notable about KEYSTONE - the best crumb on the primary decode is:

Q!ITPb.qbhqo 5 Dec 2017 - 1:06:49 PM

Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key

POTUS and Patriots = stone

what exactly does this mean? how do we fit in? Are anons and other CIVILIAN patriots members of the UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE team? and how far does this go? anons want to know - bear with me its got a few steps to consider

The INITIAL NOTABLE POST REFERRED TO John F Kennedy creating the Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Operations

02/23/19 (Sat) 21:44:35 a63119 (3) No.5356325 and suggested that anons might be included as warriors in The Plan as described in this Army document.

THEN A FOLLOW UP POST which seemed to link to the JFK era - HOWEVER on close look actually originated in 1954 - Anon found no document with the older date

02/23/19 (Sat) 21:50:50 c1f682 (8) No.5356375


NOTE - This manual supersedes FM 31-15, 7 January 1953, including C 1, 5 November 1954.


This manual makes no direct references to US civilians. Section 2A omits civilians from the definition of "irregulars" but goes on to state that irregular ACTIVITIES "…includes acts by inhabitants of a Nation for the purpose…of eliminating or weakening….a LOCAL government…" The Basic Precepts in Section 3 are very much worth reading.

AND THEN ANOTHER FOLLOW UP POST that showed the CURRENT version of ths manual

ARMY Field Manual No. 3-05.130

Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare

SEPT 30 2008 - End of GW Bush second term.

This version includes a very different statement about "irregular forces." It states Irregulars "…are individuals or groups of individuals who are not members of a regular armed force, police, or other internal security force. They are usually nonstate-sponsored and unconstrained by sovereign nation legalities and boundaries."

In other words they feel free to act "unconstrained" by "legalities" of their Nation - KEK! ALSO note where the 2008 plan is managed: The United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.


AND ANOTHER FOLLOW UP POST that smelled like a HELPER anon and linked two EO'S of GW Bush after the election at the very end before BO took office!

02/23/19 (Sat) 22:02:16 08ab68 (6) No.5356500



your on the right track.

Executive Order 12333–United States intelligence activities - Dec. 4, 1981

Executive Order 12656–Assignment of emergency preparedness responsibilities - Nov. 18, 1988


WHAT does all this mean for KEYSTONE? Well the EO's were familiar to anon cuz they have been considered a major power grab by the feds - including all the "new" powers and plans to take over ALL infrastructure public and private in case of a national ER. And there is really no direct evidence of an intention to utilize US civilians as part of the unconventional forces.


However in view of The Plan there may be another side to this - the original post seemed to shed light on the Q crumb definition of "patriots" who might be included in the Plan. Based on the 2008 manual WE THE PEOPLE are expressly included in the arsenal of unconventional forces - and the prior manual focus on "local" authorities has vanished.

CONCLUSION - while more digging is always needed it seems reasonable to conclude that anons and all the patriots following the Board and the Q crumbs and the MAGA movement, are indeed the KEYSTONE who - with POTUS as leader and MI directing the effort - must be THE force for "eliminating or weakening" the corrupt govt. NOT the US military! This will occur through a variety of MI tactics executed by WE THE PEOPLE and designed to undermine and the authority of the WW and USA corrupt establishment - so that POTUS can then use his executive power described in the above EO's to eliminate it w/o an uprising from the genpop - TRUST THE PLAN. WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE KEYSTONE LED BY POTUS.