Last week I decided to try a red pill experiment with a cross-section of normies, to try and discover what might wake them up. Generally speaking, this is how it went:
911 - the muslims are very awake on this, and will openly discuss. I was congratulated on being open-minded. The sleeping majority will admit, with some discomfort that all is not right with the official story, but otherwise won't touch it with a barge pole.
UFOs & Alien abduction. Hit with the conspiracy stick straight away. The conversation, therefore, has to be kept light-hearted. Then it's fine. Joking around the edges, no problem. Area 51, government/alien collusion - no chance.
JFK. Easy conversation. There are so many suspects and so many theories everyone is happy to join in. Non-threatening.
Faked moon landings. I have a story that I tell, involving a couple of ex-military types with high level clearance who once told me that the photos are faked, but that doesn't mean we didn't go (this is a true story). I've elaborated it over the years and by the end, the normies can believe it happened the way I tell it (for PR purposes, the studio backup shots we used as they were way better than what came back).
Vaccines. This causes much mental anguish and gnashing of teeth. Any suggestion that vaccines are fiddled with and it's pitchforks at dawn (aimed at me). I understand the posture - they want to do the best for their kids, and the thought that they're pumping those bods with poison - in line with official government policy - is to much to bear. I can now understand why the vaxxer / anti-vaxxer debate is so heated: both sides want the same thing - good health for their children. By far the most devisive and likely-to-trigger-an-outburst topic.
I therefore conclude that the issue most likely to wake up the normies is the truth about vaccines, from an official source. However, some will end up in hospital as the thought that they did harm to their kids will be too much to stomach.
UKanon signing off.