Bill Maher Mocks QAnon, Trump Supporters, Says He is ‘Q’ in ‘Real Time’ Segment
“Real Time” talk show host Bill Maher mocked those who believe in the QAnon conspiracy theory on Friday. The theory suggests President Donald Trump is fighting against a secret “deep state” government.
“If Trump supporters don’t want us to call them stupid, they have to stop coming up with things like Q,” Maher said.
“It was just a few months ago in this space that I was talking about how Republicans are now the conspiracy party and that there is literally nothing so ridiculous they won’t swallow,” he said. “Birth certificate, chemtrails, Jade Helm, lizard people and now we have Q.”
Maher continues to sarcastically explain the idea behind Q.
“Q is a person but we don’t know who it is,” he said. “We just know it’s someone with super high Q level security clearance so he knows all the shit that goes on in the ‘deep state,’ namely that our government is riddled with a rogue criminal element that is interested in evil in general, but their speciality is pedophilia.”
He added, “That’s right, Donald Trump was just posing as a disgusting pervert for the last half-century to gain credibility so he could go after the real perverts now.”
As part of the bit, Maher joked that he was actually ‘Q,’ the anonymous internet poster who started the theory.
QAnon is a conspiracy theory popularized by supporters of Donald Trump that emerged in 2017 on a 4Chan forum when “Q” began posting cryptic messages alleging the existence of a top-secret child sex trafficking network run by senior Democrats. ‘Q’ claims to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States, including the secret “deep state” government.
The posts also referred to as “The Storm” detail a secret counter-coup by the Trump Administration against this alleged “deep state,” which includes government institutions such as the FBI and the CIA.
At the end of the segment, Maher dons a black hood with a laptop bearing the ‘Q’ emblem. “The jokes in my monologue are actually just coded messages,” he said. “Now that you real Americans know the truth, I, Q, need your help to make America great again. Keep posting your memes, keep believing everything Trump tells you and above all on Tuesday November 6th, stay at home.”
New Rule: I, Q | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)