(((Robert Kraft's Rub & Tug)))
Q. Why is this even newsworthy?
A. There must be a larger story behind the scenes.
Q. Who owns all these rub & tugs?
A. Vast majority are owned by Chinese nationals.
Q. How many locations are under investigation?
A. LEO data indicates over 9000 locations.
Q. Why is this treated as a RICO case?
A. Chinese government sponsors locations.
Q. Why would Chinese sponsor locations?
A. To gain video leverage on blackmail victims.
Now you understand the big picture.
It's all about leverage with "them".
This is the front door to find victims.
From all walks of life. From every town.
Pastors. CEO's. Husbands. Politicians.
They are looking for a special type of victim.
The ones that are happy to be blackmailed.
In exchange for positions of power.
Those are harder to find.
Everything is connected.
Don't be naive.