What are the 3 worst things you've witnessed in the industry? Do you have any verifiable proof of crimes or shenanigans that you could share here (docs, emails, pics, vids)?
What are the 3 worst things you've witnessed in the industry? Do you have any verifiable proof of crimes or shenanigans that you could share here (docs, emails, pics, vids)?
>These people are good at covering their tracks.
The one thing I will say is this: lies beget lies and must always be perpetuated indefinitely. Kind of like opsec - no room for error. Fortunately the truth only needs to shine once to blow the whole thing wide fukkin open: and truth has a nasty habit of poking its out from the shadows. Be safe gafferanon and thanks!
Thanks, frens. Happy to know I'm not the only one who did this. Walking away was a gruelingly difficult decision: in so many ways way happier, in a few ways not (ie much less cash flow = lifestyle change). Looking forward to working up through the rungs again; new industry perhaps this time.
long agriculture etfs!
> not easy to walk but you must have a moral compass imo.
not easy at all, thanks again fren.
> Death by 1000 cuts
> Either way the story gets out.
This. Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing. chek'd, trips confirm.