That anon, is the best analysis I've seen in a long time. Concur 100%.
Where I live I keep seeing a commercial for a bbq joint run by an Asian man, but the dude working the pit was a huge black guy wearing a t shirt with a giant Q on it.
I kek'ed Dr Pepper out my nose.
I think that's just an Asian thing. There are a lot of sushi places that have exclusively Japanese cooks and kitchen staff. The only non-jap in the place is usually the white hostess.
I love it when I'm right
No I got the point. I'm saying I think it's a long standing practice in the restaurant business to staff ethnic places with ethnic help. Sells the authenticity even though the food all comes from the same supplier.
Are some of them slaves? Entirely possible.
You just described 2/3rds of the population of Los Angeles county.