Anonymous ID: 59bcbc Feb. 24, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.5364924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5126 >>5217 >>5374

Was comedian Brody Stevens suicided? Assume if you will that I know Brody and his circle of associates, who include many of the more compromised and vehemently liberal, anti-Trump comedians known today such as Zack Galifianakis, Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt and Chelsea Handler. Brody was a different comedian in many respects. His act was more of a sendup of stand-up comedy, deliberately bombing then turning against the audience in hilarious fashion. No other comedian alive could or would attempt what he did. Offstage he was kind and supportive of other comedians. He was also a gifted competitive athlete (Arizona State University pitcher in college, lifelong baseball fan), who didn't like unfairness, which is what likely got him in trouble.


During his bi-polar related breakdown in 2011, documented on Twitter, he became brutally honest about a number of things. Names were mentioned, with blistering attacks on Hollywood and liberals. He even came out in support of conservatives such as Limbaugh and Hannity. He was subsequently arrested, then hospitalized in a psych ward. Since then, he has been decided non-political and non-confrontational with respect to the powers that be. Whatever disagreements he might have with anyone, he managed to keep his cool and stand his ground, usually coming out on top. A lot of comedians envied his fearless style of comedy. Many were jealous of his talent, stature and success. The envious and jealous were the one's he often clashed with.


When Q came along, I purged my Twitter following/follow of all Hwood based comedians. All except Brody because I suspected all along that he was a closet conservative, and possibly even a Q follower. Throughout my tweeting of all things Q and POTUS, plus bashing liberals, Brody never disagreed or countered. He also kept me as a followed friend. Elsewhere on social media, where I didn't post political commentary, Brody often singled me out with positive feedback. In fact, just two days before his "suicide," he gave me positive feedback on a story I posted on FB about the importance of having supportive women in one's life, especially at a young age. He was very close with his mother, and had a contentious relationship with his sister, so the subject obviously resonated with him.


The following links cover much of the Brody story. In one YT video he recounts the specifics of his 2011 manic breakdown, and in another he finds himself at odds with a gay comic who turns on him, which is typical of the envious. Days later they buried the hatchet to appear together at a Comedy Store function. Included are eulogy comments from fellow comedian Auggie Smith, and actor Dick Van Dyke.


To anyone in the LAPD who might be a Q patriot, please look into the possibility that Brody (legal name: Steven Brody) was killed, by making it appear he hanged himself. Look through security cam footage. Look for any usual suspects/operatives associated with the political liberal establishment of Hollywood entering his building the evening before his death was announced, or just in the vacinity. Did Brody know too much? Was he about to come out as a Q follower? Even just a Trump supporter?


Gay comic starts drama:


Brody explaining what happened in 2011:

Anonymous ID: 59bcbc Feb. 24, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.5365288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5403 >>5459


Thx. He was definitely fighting against the powers that be in Hwood, who he maybe felt were toying with him, giving him only so much success. To the extent he knew exactly who they were is unknown. Being Jewish (or born J though non practicing), he would certainly know who ran the town. It's possible he knew there was a J problem. That may have contributed to his offing himself if he in fact did the deed. Didn't like what his people had become.