Trump, Kim impersonators held for questioning by Hanoi police
Trump, Kim impersonators held for questioning by Hanoi police
Still haven't seen a good Trump Impersonator. Saw good Obamas, Bushes, and Clintons. But the Trump ones suck.
man if id theft becomes a thing on an anonymous image board, that would be super meta.
Ok. That guy looks like POTUS.
Found a clip of him.
How does the show start if there's not a host?
Q+ also talked to us when he was on his way back from Singapore. Now he is talking to us as he prepares to depart early tomorrow for Hanoi.
Also, I think I almost had a heart attack that day.
Ghost-Con active, event talk being attacked, claims of assassination, fuckery afoot on the interwebs. That shit was intense.
Third for a Notable