Future proves past… These people are stupid… Kameltoe Harris CA 2020 candidate on Green New Deal retardation:
Harris said, “Of course we can afford it,”
King said, “Two-and-a-half trillion dollars, $3 trillion for Medicare for all by some studies. Depending on which portions of the Green New Deal you choose to do first, that’s money. You know what Republicans are going to say, ‘tax and spend liberals, pie in the sky.'”
Harris said, “It’s not about a cost. It’s about an investment. And the question should be, is it worth the cost in terms of the investment potential? Are we going to get back more than we put in?”
Q# 2854
"Lead by example?
CA estimated $2T in debt?
Homelessness population on the rise?
Highest tax rates in the Country?
Undocumented Immigrants in California vs Nation?
Uncontrollable state gov spending?
If you can't fix your own home state, what makes you think you can fix the Country?"
Q# 2868
"(broken record) lines in order to 'buy'/'con' voters?
More talk?"