>>5366242 pb
>>5366046 pb
>>5366000 pb
>>5366033 pb
I have had wierd dreams too.
Sometimes they feel like waking dreams.
Atleast i no longer have the nightmares( nuclear war, etc years ago) It was like seeing Hillary's evil plan in my dreams, not knowing it was Hillary's plan at the time.
I have been here since the beginning, absorbing all of Q's posts, news, all the digs.
I end up reading/absorbing 12 plus hours a day, everyday, 7 days a week, full time
Add in what i do when not on here, or at same time. Like posting on social media, reading tweets, and posts on there.
Searching news, making memes and graphics. Collecting memes, pics, graphics.
I've never put/poured/invested so much into something, ever before in my life.
And i feel all the time like i'm not doing enough.
I have a ton of memes i've been meaning to make.I also have alot of resorting of my files that needs to be done, i have 43 k files.
Also i was trying to get a screenshot every Q post into my files( with the pics, and posts that go with them) i ended up being super busy around the holidays, and fell behind.
I get swept up into new Q posts and digs.
My brain sometimes feels like a jumbled collection of everything i have seen and read.
To the point, i really think many people could not handle what we do here.
I understand alot if not most of what is going on, but because of the volume, it's sometimes hard to express it all, kek
I was digging into Clinton foundation, pizzagate, the wiki emails, before Q.
And that was after everything that happened in 2016.
But when Q showed up, it became more full time.
( i need a maid, kek)
I strive to contribute each day, and sometimes i make stupid memes,( we all do i think)
Memes that serve not much purpose other than they are funny, or to troll a shill.
Sometimes the brain needs a break
I try to improve my skills and contribute everyday, and i really love all of you anons/ frens( no homo)
God Bless our POTUS, Q and other patriots.
We really wish we could help more, and some of us feel a little disheartened that we are not doing enough to help.
Know we are always trying and striving to become better.
God Bless everyone here.