Juan Guaido Ties to the Clowns
Who is Juan Guaido?
Guaido is a Venezuelan politician who has been serving as President of the National Assembly of Venezuela and as the partially recognized interim President of Venezuela since January 2019.
Guaido received his post-secondary education at Andrés Bello Catholic University in 2007 where he earned his undergrad in industrial engineering. He then moved to Washington DC and enrolled in the Governance and Political Management Program at George Washinton University under the tutelage of Luis Enrique Berrizbeitia
(Former Executive Director in the International Monetary Fund).
In 2007 Guaido along with freind Yon Goicoechea lead anti-government protests, they called themselves "Generation 2007" In 2008 Goicoechea received the Cato Institute’s (Koch Brothers) Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, along with a $500,000 prize, which he promptly invested into building his own Liberty First (Primero Justicia) political network.
In 2009 Guaido along with Leopoldo Lopez and help from founded the Popular Will Party
In 2010 Popular Will and its foreign backers moved to exploit the worst drought to hit Venezuela in decades. Massive electricity shortages had struck the country due the dearth of water, which was needed to power hydroelectric plants. A global economic recession and declining oil prices compounded the crisis, driving public discontentment. Stratfor and CANVAS – key advisors of Guaidó and his anti-government cadre – devised a shockingly cynical plan to drive a dagger through the heart of the Bolivarian revolution. The scheme hinged on a 70% collapse of the country’s electrical system by as early as April 2010.
By this point, the Venezuelan opposition was receiving a staggering $40-50 million a year from US government organizations like USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy, according to a report by the Spanish think tank, the FRIDE Institute. It also had massive wealth to draw on from its own accounts, which were mostly outside the country. >www.chavezcode.com/2010/06/ned-report-international-agencies-fund.html
In late 2010 Guaido along with other opposition leaders attended a workshop in Mexico run by Otpor to plan the overthrow of President Hugo Chavez by generating chaos through protracted spasms of street violence.
On February 12, 2014, during the height of that year’s guarimbas(violent fortresses), Guaidó joined Lopez on stage at a rally of Popular Will and Justice First.Lopez urged the crowd to march to the office of Attorney General Luisa Ortega Diaz. Soon after, Diaz’s office came under attack by armed gangs who attempted to burn it to the ground.
Guaidó is known as the president of the opposition-dominated National Assembly, but he was never elected to the position. The four opposition parties that comprised the Assembly’s Democratic Unity Table had decided to establish a rotating presidency. Popular Will’s turn was on the way, but its founder, Lopez, was under house arrest. Meanwhile, his second-in-charge, Guevara, had taken refuge in the Chilean embassy. A figure named Juan Andrés Mejía would have been next in line but reasons that are only now clear, Juan Guaido was selected.
Who is Leopoldo Lopez?
Leopoldo López was born in 1971 to one of Venezuela’s most elite families, a direct descendent of both 19th-century revolutionary leader Simón Bolivar and Venezuela’s first president, Cristóbal Mendoza. His mother, Antonieta Mendoza de López, is a top executive at the Cisneros Group
López was elected mayor of Chacao Municipality in 2000 until 2008
In 1992 Lopez co-founded the politicial group Primero Justicia and later created the Voluntat Popular party both hevily funded by the Clowns through NEDs
López is serving a 13-year sentence for crimes including instigation of delinquency, arson, damage to public property, "incitement to riot", and terrorism and is currently under house arrest
Lopez is credited for grooming Juan Guaido's political career
Through Organiztaions such as National Endowment of Democracy, Open Society, United States Agenency for International Development, etc. The CIA has been able to provide funding for multiple Venezuelan opposition parties as well as train leaders to create student protests and sow discontent among the population to destabilize the country and oust the elected president.
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