Alright anons, looks like we'll have to establish QNN for realz since we are the news now. Let's show the world how to do it open source style and pay for the effort.
Years around startups so I can tell you that any investors invest in the team, first. Then they don't invest usually until the team has at least made significant progress in the effort.
I suggest those interested get to work on the program, graphics and media, website and app format while others grab the domain, setup crowdfunding for seed capital and a way to control and distribute the funds as needed, anonymously of course.
We also need a means to feed content directly from the bread into QNN for curation and editorializing.
Once we are up and running we can sell ad revenue to all those shut out by MSM. As long as tastefully done and on point it should not be a problem. I am ALWAYS looking to spend my money with local manufacturers when possible.