Harken to these key words spoken in 1937 by Illuminati insider and Soviet Commissar Chaim Rakovsky. Communism and capitalism are one in the same - they are both monopoly capitalism:
"In Moscow, there is Communism: in New York capitalism. It is all the same as thesis and antithesis. Analyze both. Moscow is subjective Communism but [objectively] State capitalism. New York: Capitalism subjective, but Communism objective. A personal synthesis, truth: the Financial International, the Capitalist Communist one. And above all, 'They.'"
"They" are the Masonic Jewish bankers whom he names. In other words, in the USSR the State owns the corporations as a front for the international bankers. In the West, capitalism fronts for international bankers. In both cases, the international bankers control and partly own the "means of production."
On so many fronts, society is undergoing this induction into Communism. I'll just mention a few examples.
Banning criticism of Israel and Jews. ("Antisemitism" which is really resistance to Communism.) It was illegal in the USSR too.
The persecution of Christians and the promotion of everything else, including Satanism.
The way Russia and the US neatly traded places in terms of the protection of traditional values like race, religion, family and patriotism.
The abandonment of normal immigration procedures and border defences. The use of migrants from the third world to fragment society.
The loss of free cultural expression. If it's not "politically correct," a Communist Party term, it doesn't get promoted and seen.
The blatant Satanism and sexual depravity in music, TV and film.
The total abdication of age-old journalistic principles, common sense and dignity by the liberal news media.
The fact that the Yellow Vest protests aren't being covered means the world media is controlled by the Rothschilds.
Did I mention the abandonment of honesty, common decency and democratic principles by the Left?
Rituals of denunciation and contrition for people who offended PC, sometimes decades ago.
The promotion of gender dysphoria to pre-puberty children in public schools.
And of course the behaviour of the corporations mentioned above.
As I have said, the root of the problem is that a small group of private bankers create the medium of exchange ("currency" really fairy dust)
in the form of government debt to themselves, something governments could do themselves debt and interest-free. Communism is the extension of this Masonic Jewish credit monopoly to a monopoly over everything: wealth, power, information, culture, belief.
Since these bankers are Satanists (Cabalists) this involves the induction of humanity into their cult. But don't celebrate, since satanic cults are based on exploiting their members by corrupting and making them sick.
At the risk of repeating myself, this is the state of Western society today. What is happening with the Yellow Vests in France is a harbinger of the future everywhere in the West. They created the surveillance state because they foresee having to impose their Communist tyranny by force.
We look to Trump and nationalist parties for respite from this tyranny. But how can we trust someone who is constantly making Masonic hand signs, and has close ties to Chabad and Israel? We can't.