this won't happen…we've already done a lot of work to wake people enough to not go over the edge.
Q take care a his self ho,ey
Welcome to Chapel Perlious. You dont know when you when won't know when you get out until you realize your out.
Low IQ anon you must be…We see you..we smell you far away…for second time gtfo…It will be a privilege to have such a site in the future fag.
I think "reincarnation" is this..if you can understand it…it will take some viewings…..You can never die..think multiplayer game…there are physical deaths..but right before death decision you 'spawn' somewhere else..different never feel it…others see you see others die…we are already there.
so gay…
anon I want to apologize for my dickness…paytriot in anybody making money off people who gave selflessly….if you dont got the cash..then start won't get no love here for money ideas…money has a stink on it.