>>5370861 (lb)
Why didn't you just find a woman who hated you already and buy her a house?
This dude talking…not sure he can get his tongue any further up those pedo "elite's" asses.
Somehow, I manage going deeper on things that relate to the history of the US in re: to certain habbenings.(pics related from recent 767 crash).
Some dasting things came of it.
nope, still circle jerking each other for the cameras and shekels only to go home and talk shit about each other.
Latest report I read said they only found 2 of 3 bodies.
Portable surface to air.
20,000ft and under(6mi)
unless a Stinger.
maybe, kek..haven't been to sleep since night before last.
spoopy how things tie in together…almost like everything is connected..
race card is also what they're running with atm.