They have cures for cancers and aids. But no releases. They can cure Eboli but they don't release it. The technology that is 30 years ahead of what any of us see in our daily lives. Why? I think Q is the real deal and Pedo's should burn……
But I think this is more about getting trump elected again.. We will still be told about this shit while nothing happens. The only thing I have seen so far is a few shill get called out and A few pedos go to jail for a few years.
A wall is a good and fine but no big happenings just a bunch of drama over a wall he never had to ask them for.
HE fired people that he could have the whole time(obama did the same thing to our armies top brass, the news eat him alive for it). No matter what they said in the news he could still do it.
I have seen the sick sick sick ass shit they have done(pizzagate and all the digging I did there). These people need to be burned.
Watched as the young around me turn into dumass drug addicts and everyone else turn into pillpoppers Which into in turn made them do the worst abuse to each other.
And our politicians did Treason in the highest order. HEll Obama gave one company the internet which changes the laws of what they can do to us legally. Spying with no over site at all.
Sell white kids when they take them from their families. Abort Blacks in mass. Which is why we have been at 350 million Americans for about 20 years. They kill us in mass.
It is fucking go time. Emotion over logic?????????
Whoever Q is I hope they fall on their swords for this. Trump while he has change the system beyond what they can regain back for a long time. It is not enough for what he himself has done. And I wish the same for him as the others.
These people are evil beyond saving. For all of this I am saying no more. If I don't see with my own two eyes something other than players move on the board (which mean to me more of the same)
I will not be voting and will actively campaign against their asses so hardcore.Because this is just more of the same otherwise. Because it is just Obama 2.0.
SO far they have used NSA level intel against eachother for the past 20 years and this is all that has gotten us. If Q fails this isthe end. And some of the countries that we have wrong over the years (china leak our info to (India, few know what we have really done to them). Thanks to the bitch Killary) is going to glass us
I will see to the glassing myself if needed than to see these sick fucks live for any longer than has already gone on. As this all look to me as a man with a big ego that wants to be on top. OR left with the 1984 system (the beast system)in place for my kids to take on. This is not a movie. Nor a game. This all has real outcomes.
My rant is done. Q and trump action. Real action not chess moves need to be taken….. So far your words and actions are hollow and meaningless.
I will watch and see what your actions brings. We will see what the end of the year will bring.