If and when they push for offense, you have to deputize your citizens nd prepare for self defenses, this is why you have a 2nd amendment. Don't act like it's not going to come down the tube cause it will, study barbarian invasions during the fall of rome very carefully.
rank 13 -14 ladders were a fuckin pain in the ass
nah they remember the grind in the first system where it was 2 weeks of playtime and 1 day spent on the john
yep got it then retired, this shit in here is apple sauce compared to that grind.
No you failed at educating them cause your gay and your community caused them to decline, they were not doing to bad at the start of the industrial era and you ran them into gangsterisms with your shity rackets you've run on them for 100 years and now they outsmarted you and you want someone else to hold their leash, go fuck yourself.
cut them off at the legs when they come through, snap those fingers so they never vote again, trying to genocide us in here with mexicans and nigglers.
you wrote the LGBT law into place, explain that one rabbi
sad your laws don't even work anymore you broke your own laws, oh shit
qresearch is now gun research