I like her.
KJV is poetic and part of English lit, however, there are more accurate translations, which you can tell by comparing the Greek. I dont do Hebrew.
Bike Lock Boi got 3 years probation only for attempted murder, so this will be what?
I've read the Bible in several languages, including the KJV, as well as pretty much all English literature of that period. Get back to me after you get your M.A. Or at least A.A.
My point is lurk moar, improve on your high school-level reading proficiency.
You'd need to read some Hebrew to know that. My comments are as to the Greek NT. I have a Hebrew-reading friend who can asnwer OT questions for me.
There are such things as facts, knowledge, truth, and actual credentials rendered by other qualified professionals. Just not where you are. Stick with youtube.
Because they're uneducated, average iq fucktards who can kiss my pure white ass, fucking Willie Wonka tv-watching faggot.