No way would President Trump allow AOC’s mouth on hims pecker.. no way. She is like a 5 on his woman meter.
Feck I tried to sleep and couldnt.
No way would President Trump allow AOC’s mouth on hims pecker.. no way. She is like a 5 on his woman meter.
Feck I tried to sleep and couldnt.
Him and AJ. Heard them talking shit bout talking to Q.. got on board started a thread an us anons roasted those fuckers..
Gotta put (PB) anon. Us phonefags get thrown for a loop if not
He has literally ALWAYS BEEN. A fucking dork. Stupid out of fashion punk. Anduyes always looked queer. And talks all this nonesense about fucking africa.. has enough money to move there but stays here acting like a goddamn african savior
Kek yuyeeeeep sure Zack i mean Q. That day was last day i listened to him.
Fucking Corsi on the patriots soupbox? I think is what it is called.. would come in and take over.. then was like.. uh I’m going to be on superchat at my own channel.. people were like ???? He would beat around the bush and not “decode” Q.. lmao that dude was such a money hungry POS. I kept calling him out for not getting a better mic/computer as he was raking in the dough.
Hollywood vag?
Clockwork orange pepe and a few others theown in 👊👊
Yeah they set him up by wanting him to go to rome where Misfud(sp?) was. He was/is totally innocent and realized what was up when he got there.