oy vey
He believes Trump is a Russian agent, yes that stupid
That's our in house retard tiresias, don't talk to, it's an evil bot
If you are told a lie over and over again you start to believe it. IMO he really believes it. He wasn't in on the plan, just a house nigger dupe.
I understand your view. He is involved in the dark life. Don't feel he is on the inside on the Democrat collusion hoax. Why would he want it released if he was? Agree to disagree that he is that stupid.
The end of this, have a god day fren!
Our President is speaking
Many press are there
Why is there no live stream????
get our QNN cameras in there NOW!!!!
sounds like any intro already out there, can we get something original?
Why would a racist kiss a black? Their stories are like pretzels.