Anonymous ID: cfe8f4 Feb. 25, 2019, 4:50 a.m. No.5374766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4807 >>4816 >>4915 >>5142



Bernie Sanders Has Reportedly Been Stealing His Neighbor’s Newspaper

by Joe Bilello | Jul 25th, 2017

It can get expensive to purchase a newspaper subscription for multiple homes, even if you’re as rich as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.


Sanders, a man who was once reportedly kicked out of a hippie commune for being too lazy, is now being accused of helping himself to someone else’s property.


According to a recent report, the socialist Senator has decided that the process of redistributing wealth should extend to his neighbor’s Washington Postbecoming his Washington Post.


It would appear as though Bernie believes that, like health care, having access to the news of the day in print is a basic human right and not a privilege.


While discussing a potential 2020 Sanders’ White House bid, WMAL radio host Chris Plante told the following story about the Senator’s newspaper snatching habits:


“Bernie Sanders and his wife Jane when they are in Washington DC, live in this house on Capitol Hill, ok? Part of their vast real estate empire. They’re like wannabe Trumps with all their real estate holdings.


The next-door neighbor, their neighbor on Capitol Hill, called the Washington Post and told the Washington Post that they were canceling their Washington Post subscription because their very expensive Sunday Post stopped showing up. Not there this week, last week, the week before, then it was there one week, but the week before it wasn’t delivered, so I’m canceling my subscription to the Post because your delivery person never gets to me. I’m paying for it but it never gets to me.


The Washington Post said, “Please, do not cancel your subscription to the Washington Post. We will investigate with the delivery person and we will get back to you.”


And The Post did investigate and claimed that the delivery person said that a man came out and grabbed the paper every Sunday morning, almost immediately upon delivery.


The neighbor objected to the claim at which point the paper’s representative mentioned that they even had a description of the man.


“You are an older man with gray hair, balding, and little round glasses…;” they reportedly told the man who responded, “I’m in my 50s, I’ve got a full head of dark hair. But, my neighbor is Bernie Sanders.”


To be fair, just because his neighbor bought the subscription with money he worked for does not mean that the paper should belong to him. And it’s comforting to know that Sanders at least practices what he preaches on rare occasions.

Anonymous ID: cfe8f4 Feb. 25, 2019, 5:52 a.m. No.5375069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lazy Shiftless A-hole. I looked up all his bills created, and not one of them worthwhile to do any thing. Plus he led the VA commission for years, all the while vets were dying, his solution throw more money at it.


Bernie Sanders Was Asked to Leave Hippie Commune for Shirking, Book Claims

Sanders' 'endless political discussion' distracted the hippies from their work

Bernie Sanders was asked to leave a hippie commune in 1971 for "sitting around and talking" about politics instead of working, according to a forthcoming book


Sanders’ idle chatter did not endear him with some of the commune’s residents, who did the backbreaking labor of running the place. Daloz writes that one resident, Craig, "resented feeling like he had to pull others out of Bernie’s orbit if any work was going to get accomplished that day."


Sanders was eventually asked to leave. "When Bernie had stayed for Myrtle’s allotted three days, Craig politely requested that he move on," Daloz writes.


Deloz does not specify what issues Sanders discussed with commune residents, but earlier passages give the general flavor of political discussion at Myrtle Hill. "There were bigger ideas under discussion too: a kibbutz-style school for commune children; the possibility of a coming violent revolution; and the pros and cons of group marriage." In another passage, Deloz describes how one commune resident led the children on marches, chanting "Ho! Ho! Ho Chi Minh! Vietcong is going to win!"

Anonymous ID: cfe8f4 Feb. 25, 2019, 6 a.m. No.5375122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Libs are thieves and liars, they want your money because they’re to lazy to do hard work. Why is sanders a multi millionaire at this point, two years ago his network was less than $300,000. I’d say he’s set up private foundations in his children names. I can’t stand this guy, and think anyone that supported him were programmed in some way. It makes no sense for him to have support. Bet ya Soros pays him to be a socialist and to keep blasting it

Anonymous ID: cfe8f4 Feb. 25, 2019, 6:08 a.m. No.5375179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I did a digg on his metworth on opensecrets a couple of years ago, less than $300k, but he’s got 4 houses and where’s the money coming from and where do we find his family foundations and trusts. Something seriously hidden with this guy