Anonymous ID: 3700d4 Feb. 25, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.5375705   🗄️.is 🔗kun


North Korea Blames U.S. Media For Spreading Fake News About What Kim Jong Un Wants From Donald Trump

Anonymous ID: 3700d4 Feb. 25, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.5375767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vaccine advocates are responsible for spreading measles to the West. The month before the World Health Organization listed “Vaccine Hesitancy” as one of its top 10 global health threats, the UN passed the Global Compact for Migration. The United States was one of just five countries to vote against the resolution because of its encouragement of illegal immigration across the western hemisphere. It even sought to criminalize anti-migration speech. Illegal immigration has driven measles incidence to record levels in Europe, from where measles spread to the US both in 2015 and this year. The US-Mexico border has also seen the spread of viruses, with seven mumps cases confirmed in an ICE detention center and a Guatemalan child dying of flu in US custody.


Vaccine officials have shown that they will even get rid of some vaccines in order to enable the spread of measles. So it is clear that their assistance to migrants is done so deliberately despite the diseases and social problems they will bring to western countries. The International Red Cross’ European branch blocked Autism Investigated on Twitter after its hypocrisy over pushing vaccines while assisting with illegal immigration into Europe was called out publicly. Not only should America defund NGOs like the Red Cross, but we should also withdraw from the World Health Organization. It is time to put America first.