Anonymous ID: 67af03 Feb. 25, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.5375972   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I thought Trump was a racist. He tried kissing an African American woman?


This may be a planted story to wake folks up. Not seeing full picture yet, but possible.

Anonymous ID: 67af03 Feb. 25, 2019, 8 a.m. No.5376102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6104

Alva Johnson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Alva Johnson is a former staffer on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign who says he kissed her without her consent at an event in Florida, The Washington Post reported. The White House denies the allegations.


Johnson told The Washington Post that Trump grabbed her hand and leaned in to kiss her on the mouth as he exited an RV during a small gathering of supporters outside of a rally in Tampa, Florida on August 24, 2016.


Johnson told the outlet that she turned her head and Trump’s unwanted kiss got her on the side of the mouth.


She said the kiss was “super-creepy and inappropriate.”


“I immediately felt violated because I wasn’t expecting it or wanting it,” she said. “I can still see his lips coming straight for my face.”


Johnson previously declined to be interviewed by The Post about the alleged misconduct.


Johnson has filed a lawsuit against the Trump campaign seeking unspecified damages for emotional pain and suffering. The suit also alleges racial discrimination on the campaign.


The White House denied the allegation.

Johnson told The Post that she told her boyfriend, mother, and stepfather about the incident on the same day it allegedly occurred.


Her boyfriend, Miguel Rego, who was also working for the campaign, confirmed the conversation to The Post.


“I thought it was crazy that he had kissed her. I didn’t know how to process it,” he said.

She said she discussed the incident with a Florida lawyer two months later.


The attorney provided the Post with text messages that he said showed Johnson was “credible” but he said he did not take the case out of business reasons.


Johnson was referred by an attorney to a therapist, whose notes were reviewed by The Post and included a “reference an unspecified event during the campaign that had left her distraught.”


Johnson told The Post she considered coming forward after the October 2016 video in which Trump was heard bragging about grabbing and kissing women without their consent.


She said that moment was when she recognized what she says happened to her was part of a pattern.


“I’ve tried to let it go,” she told The Post. “You want to move on with your life. I don’t sleep. I wake up at 4 in the morning looking at the news. I feel guilty. The only thing I did was show up for work one day.”


According to The Post, Johnson is a registered Democrat who voted for Barack Obama twice but was interested in the Trump campaign because of her stepfather, who was an active Republican.


Her stepfather, Jacob Savage, said he blamed himself for what Johnson says happened.


“I felt it was a betrayal of trust,” Savage told The Post. “I felt I was responsible because, had I not introduced her to the campaign, she would not have been in that position.”


He added that Johnson told her mother as well.


“She was hysterical,” he said.

  1. Johnson Says Trump Tried to Kiss Her & Left Her Feeling Humiliated


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Johnson said she first met Trump at a November 2015 rally in Birmingham, Alabama. According to her lawsuit, Trump looked her up and down and said, “Oh, beautiful, beautiful, fantastic.”


Two months later she took a job as the campaign director of outreach and coalitions in Alabama.


Johnson was later assigned to Florida where she managed the RVs the campaign used as mobile offices.


One day in Tampa, she said, Trump walked into an RV as she recorded a video on her phone. She later brought a group of volunteers into the RV to take photos with Trump.


She says she spoke to Trump before he left the RV.


“I’ve been on the road for you since March, away from my family,” she told him, according to the lawsuit. “You’re doing an awesome job. Go in there and kick ass.”


She told The Post that Trump grabbed her hand, thanked her, and leaned in.


“Oh, my God, I think he’s going to kiss me,” she recalled to The Post. “He’s coming straight for my lips. So I turn my head, and he kisses me right on corner of my mouth, still holding my hand the entire time. Then he walks on out.”


She said she was left feeling humiliated as then-Attorney General Pam Bondi gave her a smile and Karen Giorno, the director of the Florida campaign, tugged Johnson’s elbow.


Both Bondi and Giorno denied witnessing anything inappropriate.


Johnson said she continued to work for the campaign after the alleged incident until the Access Hollywood tape was released.

Anonymous ID: 67af03 Feb. 25, 2019, 8 a.m. No.5376104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6109





“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” Trump said in the 2005 video. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”


“I felt sick to my stomach,” Johnson told The Post. “That was what he did to me.”


She said she stopped coming in to work and quit three weeks before the election.


“She is having nightmares because of what happened,” her therapist wrote on October 27 in notes reviewed by The Post.


Johnson told The Post she tried to move on and attended one of Trump’s inaugural balls and applied twice for jobs in his administration. She said she was passed over but claimed that it had no bearing on her decision to come forward.


  1. White House Denies Alva Johnson’s Allegations


The White House denied Johnson’s allegations.


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told The Post that the claim is “absurd on its face.”


“This never happened and is directly contradicted by multiple highly credible eye witness accounts,” Sanders said.


Bondi denied the allegation as well.


“Do I recall seeing anything inappropriate? One hundred percent no,” she told The Post. “I’m a prosecutor, and if I saw something inappropriate, I would have said something.”


Giorno told The Post the allegation was “ridiculous” and “absolutely did not happen.”


The Post noted that its reporters reached out to Johnson a year earlier about reports of misconduct allegations on the campaign but she declined to be interviewed.

  1. Johnson Has Filed a Federal Lawsuit Against Trump That Also Alleges Racial Discrimination


Johnson, who works as an event planner in Alabama, filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump campaign Monday in Florida.


The suit seeks unspecified damages for emotional pain and suffering.


The suit also alleges that the campaign discriminated against Johnson, who is black, by paying her white male counterparts more.


The New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow reported that Johnson alleged that campaign staffers made comments about race that made her uncomfortable.


Campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany denied the claims, calling them “off-base and unfounded.”


Farrow reported that Johnson’s is the fourth lawsuit filed by women alleging Trump made unwanted physical advancements. None have resulted in judgments against Trump but least one suit is being in settlement negotiations. At least nine other women have publicly alleged that Trump kissed them without consent but did not pursue legal action.

  1. Trump Has Been Accused of Misconduct by More Than a Dozen Women


At least 16 women have accused Trump of varying inappropriate behavior ranging from sexual harassment to sexual assault, according to ABC News.


Trump has denied all of the women’s accusations.


The women have accused Trump of groping, unwanted kissing, and other misconduct.

Anonymous ID: 67af03 Feb. 25, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.5376109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6158



More importantly, why is the WASH POST leading the attack vs ‘Q’?

Who owns the WASH POST?

Who funds Amazon?

Who targeted NSA re: SURV expose/prevent pre U1 / IRAN?

Why are we attacked daily by the largest news co’s on the world?

Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove.


Anonymous ID: 67af03 Feb. 25, 2019, 8:11 a.m. No.5376217   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No I think maybe…. US!


To Make Dems Look Crazy

Cause chaos

AOC said tippy top the other day

Remember when she accidently said

Republican in front of Sanders


I've got my eyes on her and will pay attention more.