>It is time to take away these clowns government pensions, lifetime medical and all other fringes they get.
Time to go scorched earth with these filthy backstabbing RINOs.
I made along with the first. These too.
Which one is the useful idiot?
That's what I thought.
Rotting flesh convention.
> Hard to believe he is fake exposing evil.
If he is fake we are all fucked.
But he is not.
On that, I'd bet my life.
Death to Traitors!
For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
You really don't care.
But I'll say this: if you want peace, you can't have traitors in your midst, filthy rats trying to subvert everything that's decent and good.
They must be ruthlessly weeded out and destroyed.
Ten you can have your "peace."