Anonymous ID: 236919 Feb. 25, 2019, 8:48 a.m. No.5376583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670

>>5375902 (lb)


This will be a reminder to many, but might be news to a lot of the new eyes we have on the board.


Re: Gillibrand's ties to NXIVM….




US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY] has a well known and powerful political father from the state capitol, Albany, New York. His name is Doug Rutnik. What is not widely known is that Doug worked for the sex slaver cult of NXIVM — about a dozen years ago.


A Match Made in NXIVM

Meantime, Doug discovered his cousin, Gwenn, was deeply immersed, spending lots of money on what some believe are nothing more than brainwashing courses. She was engaged to be married when she first started taking NXIVM courses.

Part of the NXIVM curriculum is for women to list all the advantages of having her partner suddenly die. Gwenn soon realized that her engagement was a sham. She belonged with NXIVM – born to be free and single – so she could learn all they could teach. She ended her engagement and signed up for more classes.

A lifelong politico, Doug had decades of brokering backroom deals. He decided to work behind the scenes to get his cousin out of NXIVM. She did not want to leave. She loved NXIVM. They loved her. She declared Keith was wonderful and Nancy was like a second mother.

Doug was determined. He felt a flush of something new and noble inside him. His heart quickened; his pulse raced; his gate accelerated, as he contrived to meet Gwenn on any pretext – to get her out of the cult.

He was dapper, a handsome older man –wise and urbane. Though she was an attorney, she was just putty in NXIVM’s hands……





A former top employee of the NXIVM sex cult tells Big League Politics that Democrat senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s stepmother was an active member of the cult while Gillibrand’s father actually worked for the cult.


NXIVM leaders Keith Raniere and Allison Mack are standing trial on human-trafficking and child sex trafficking charges. The cult’s benefactors donated lavishly to Hillary Clinton and even hacked Hillary Clinton’s non-secure emails.


Frank Parlato, former NXIVM publicist who has exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women, told Big League Politics that the cult is nothing less than a Satanic organization with ties to major Democratic politicians and an extremely disturbing record with children…..



NXIVM operated in the heart of Gillibrand's district.




And don't forget about NXIVM's ties to the Clintons….




Keith Raniere, high-level NXIVM officials, President Nancy Salzman, Seagram Heiresses Clare, and Sara Bronfman, are now under FBI investigation. As details emerge, it is blatant this group has been well connected with many high power individuals including Senator Kristen Gillibrand and failed Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.


In 2007, the New York Post reported that top executives and associates of NXIVM and their family members donated $29,000 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Each of them maxed out their donation limit at $2,300.


This was discovered following the arrest of Norman Hsu, a wealthy businessman who was able to raise $1.5 million in campaign contributions to Clinton and other Democrats. Hsu was charged with operating a $60 million Ponzi scheme and imprisoned. Many states also alleged Keith Raniere was running a Ponzi scheme called Consumer Buyline Inc. However, he was able to get away with only a few fines.