what's w/all the interest in weather….in general….everyone is so concerned w/the damn weather…at work….that's all I hear….well, the sun's out….is it raining…well, they're callin for rain the next few days…..look out the fucking window for pete's sake….weather this weather that! Watch the news….analyzing high pressure systems low pressure ones the texture of this and that…..weather weather weather…….Jesus…….enough w/the damn weather forecasts! Right now this guy I work with is talking about the weather….rain comin out of the South, etc…..who gives a flying fuck?! I'm slowly but surely losin it…..sigh….somethiing punking me…for real…..all of it…..everything….all of this bullshit I witness every day….gotta be a cruel cruel joke! Where da fuck am I? And who are the other 'life' forms that I am subjected to?! No way this is real…no way! Fucking buy this buy that look this way not that way….eat this eat that…..oh you have to have this…..look at me and my status……look at my ride…..check out my house…..my clothes…..my perfume….oh and then let's throw in God….you know cuz he's my co-pilot….I've the bumper sticker to prove…..you know the one right beside my boss is a jewish carpenter……gtfo of my face! fucking drug commercials, car commercials, all commercials….and then the gd phone bs! 5g 6g……fuck your g! Everyone walking around with their head down lookin at that phone……standing in line….d'oh goota check that phone might miss something! scroll through them pages……I work w/this person who actually sleeps w/her phone under her pillow….wtf?
And how about alexa, etc…..google home assistant….etc….fucking nuts man! Nothing is real anymore…..artificial and synthetic gods! lemme bury you in the soil for a bit let you feel the real dirt….from Mother Earth…..fuckin A…..money money money….need that cash to feed that jones…..