Here’s a good starting list of people who need to be exposed:
Tom Hanks
Meryl Streep
Jay Z
Didn’t Rob Reiner’s child just out him?
De Niro is obvious, but I don’t think he’s at the top. Stephen King is a great choice. He’s definitely higher up on the pyramid
Off the top of my head, I would also add Stephen Colbert. In the world of finance, Warren Buffet should get exposed. Unfortunately, there are just so many people involved, it’s hard to make a succinct list
He was also named in the Franklin Cover-up
Do you have any other info? Several of these people I’ve never even heard of, and I’m sure some of the worst offenders in Hollywood are people like Weinstein who are relatively out of the spotlight.
Oh god, getting into England is opening a whole other can of worms, Royal Family included