Francois ID: 055833 Calm before the Storm in song lyrics March 3, 2018, 1:58 a.m. No.538049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9052 >>9606

Have anyone noticed that the lyrics from the song "Immortalized" by Disturbed is literally verbatim what Q is saying regarding the calm before the storm…. "Calm before the Storm" in that exact words being mentioned several times.


Anonymous ID: 1052e0 March 3, 2018, 3:08 a.m. No.538171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is wartime

This is our time

We won't be denied

Feed the fire that is raging inside


This is go time

This is showtime

We will fight 'til their wills are broken


This is game time

An insane time

Let the madness fly

Show them strength that just can't be defied


Find the power to devour

Let the beast inside now be woken


In this world only the strong will survive

Hear the roar and you will know you're alive

Feel the energy build in your soul cause it's time


Raw emotion

Pure devotion

They will testify

And our memory will endure for all time


Never hiding

No dividing

Let them witness us move as one now


Show no mercy

Let the world see

We're invincible

Show them nothing is beyond our control


Take it higher

Our desire

Will determine what we've become now


Are you ready for the test of your life?

See the fear bleeding right through their eyes

Feel the energy build in your soul cause it's time


Feel it

Take no prisoners now

Take it

There it is standing in front of us

Hear it

Our deliverance now

Own it

Give them all an image of us that will last for all time


In the calm before the storm

Another legend will be born

Another battle will be won

We will rise

So heed the call of confrontation

Today we feed on domination

Secure a legacy that will never die

Be immortalized

Anonymous ID: 116999 March 3, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.539394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9521

Interesting, but who cares? The musicians are probably anons and this is how they redpill (or plagiarize depending on how you feel about it). Also trying to make a buck and famefag, because…musicians. No different from YT famefags discussing Q.

Anonymous ID: e2cdf1 March 3, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.542740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2842

And in "The Vengeful One" (same album, released 2015):


Owls, robots, mind control, and a huge war-machine conspiracy. Coincidence?


The Q team may have co-authored that album, before Trump won the R nomination.

Anonymous ID: f71494 March 3, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.543665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nice find anon, here is one actually called "The Storm" by a group called Flying Colors. Band has guys from Dream Theater, Kansas, ton of side projects, etc. all very accomplished musicians (top tier prog rock artists)


Flying Colors - The Storm


There was a time

When my life was easy

Stretched out in the sun

Everything was clover

The world was off my shoulders for awhile


But then the sky turned a bomb fire shade

And hit me like a gun

It passed with flying colors

There's no flying over…


The storm…

We will dance as it breaks

The storm…

It will give as it takes

And all of our pain is washed away

Don't cry or be afraid

Some things only can be made

In the storm


Sometimes we get swept away

We're forced to take the change

The desert gives you comfort

You can't stay here all your wounded life


Underneath as the tempest rage

Your secrets come undone

When mountains need movin'

Let me help you through it


The storm…

We will dance as it breaks

The storm…

Comes as fast as it fades

And all of our pain is washed away

Don't cry or be afraid

Some things only can be made

In the storm


All your secrets come undone

Every web you've ever spun

All your secrets come undone

Let 'em go

Let it come…


The storm…

We will dance as it breaks

The storm…

Gives you more than it takes

And all of our pain is washed away

Stare chaos in the face

We need only to embrace


Don't cry or be afraid

Some things only can be made

In the storm



Anonymous ID: e2cdf1 March 4, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.547207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Q team co-wrote that whole album by Disturbed ("Immortalized", released August 2015).


The other two music videos from that album:

The Light - https://

The Sound of Silence - https://


"The Vengeful One" is embedded here; it's full of symbols and themes that Q is talking about now, more than two years later.

Qanon659789653112 ID: 4e90ff now is the time March 4, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.547291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I`ve be following for months now, not commenting

techfag here ,


we will loose internet due the some unknown event, it will recover slowly

in limited controlled and fenced areas by dark 'leaders'

continent by continent

  • all should be put in offline backups, if there somebody has resources alternative to http/www should be thought off, like IRC someday or Skype protocol - implementation into hardware should not be tough we need only dozen of DNS servers on the planet to serve it's support .


  • you will need to stop being conservatives or democrats, even US citizens this is no longer important, future of the World is in our hands

so glad that a lot of US Military and Patriots are on our side, this has not happened on this scale in history of Man.

Attract more Anons, don't allow your friends or relatives who are liberal or thinking they are advanced and ahead of time [in fact their brains were influenced or washed the most] they believe they have the upper moral ground, defend 1st defend 2nd

but defend them as well explain them calmly , they will listen, truth is there within everybody's reach.


Thank you Patriots,

Thanks Anons

Thank you Q,



Thank you all Light Warriors !

Anonymous ID: 08d2cd Message 836 March 4, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.548280   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Expand your thinking.


Who leaked Vault7 to WL?

Vault 7 refers to the Wikileaks publication of CIA methods for infiltrating systems, including leaving a false footprint behind to implicate other entities in system hackings such as China or Russia. It has yet to be revealed who leaked this intel, but some speculate it was Edward Snowden or similar actor, often referred to as Snowden 2.0.


Who returned fire?

China? Russia? CIA?


OP Name: Fiddler


Edward Snowden an NSA contractor stole and leaked NSA surveillance secrets which began being published in June 2013.


Mission 1: Infiltrate

Mission 2: Centralize

Mission 3: Secure

Mission 4: Expose to HARM


Edward Snowden claimed he was a trained spy who worked undercover as an operative for the CIA and NSA. National Security Adviser Susan Rice denied his assertions. Snowden worked for NSA contractor Booze Allen Hamilton for 3 months in 2013 (ending in his firing on June 10, 2013), with the specific mission to steal and disclose NSA surveillance secrets. Some believe his objective was to damage the NSA, thus giving more power to the CIA.



(WH interference)

(WH directive)

Obama influence and instructions over the missions, to include speeches to provide cover for the operations.


Mission 5: Russia LINK

After leaking NSA intel, Snowden fled to Russia and sought asylum in July 2013.


(2013 timeline of events)

This article outlines key Snowden leaks and dates:




Obama gives a speech on NSA reforms as the result of backlash from the public and government allies who learned of extensive spying and data collection by the NSA from the Snowden leaks.

A summary of the speech is outlined here: https://

Obama fails to implement any meaningful reforms of NSA data collection and spying, including reforms to prevent abuses of the FISA court.





Mission 6: Fiddler Ghost-PRIME

The Fiddler (secret surveillance operations) transitioning to Ghost-PRIME, which may mean one or both of the following:

(1) Obtaining Secret Funds: Program for Research Infrastructure and Matching Expenses (PRIME), e.g. secret Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) “slush funds” obtained by fining financial institutions + funds obtained from Non-Profits and donors, which are funneled to specific liberal causes (e.g. Antifa).


This report outlines CFPB slush funds being directed to liberal causes:





(2) Engaging in Secret Media Ops: Psychological Research on Information and Media Effects (PRIME), which involves a large, coordinated effort to control the narrative across all media platforms.


Mission 7: CLAS

CLAS = Infiltration of Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences – teachers indoctrinating students with liberal messages and values.


Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k

Setup of Dropbox(es) to entrap unwitting whistleblowers (e.g. John Perry Barlow, Apache Dropbox – see Q message #382122 on February 14 ), thereby preventing the information becoming public.


Mission 9: Censorship - Broad censorship of conservative users across all social media platforms, in order to control the narrative via a single algorithm deployed across Facebook, Google, Youtube, Twitter, et al. We are being advised to take legal action to thwart efforts to censor conservatives in the form of Class Action lawsuits, QuiTam lawsuits, and other legal avenues available today.


CLAS +relay

Exchange of key liberal messages and talking points between MSM, Professors/Teachers (CLAS) and Students, much like what was done in 2008 via the Journolist group, which consisted of a large team of MSM print and TV journalists, bloggers and professors who were instrumental in managing narrative in order to elect Barack Obama. This also most likely funded in part by government and donations from non-profits (as outlined in Mission 6, and most likely includes campus activism and protests.)


(Note: two key participants in the Journolist “secret message board/chat room” were Ben Smith and David Corn who were the first to publish info from the fake Russian-Trump Dossier in BuzzFeed and Mother Jones.)



Anonymous ID: 5ccf6d March 4, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.548397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gemini Junction


Well I've got to move on now, to Gemini Junction,

And that clock full of good times awaiting me there.


Lord, I hope that I find it this side of the Jordon,

And if I don't - well, it won't be like I didn't care.


There'll be mountains to pass full of many a hazard,

Where riders lose heart and their horses go lame;

There'll be rivers to cross and a terrible desert,

But I know where to go. It's the way that I came.


There's a man in the moon over Gemini Junction

And the Mexicans call him ##Primero Ladron##.

What that means, I believe, is the thief who's forgiven:

I should think that he'll wink when he see I've come home.


I've dreamt of that man with the stars all around him,

I've dreamt of a dawn that would quicken the dead,

But I've dreamt far too long - it's high time I found them,

Or went bust. So there's just one more thing to be said:


I'd admire to see you in Gemini Junction


I sent you a letter, when I arrived there.

It said "now's the time for my love to come calling

Give my best to the rest, I'm enclosing your fare."

Anonymous ID: afe6c9 March 4, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.548752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dogs of war


Dogs of war and men of hate

With no cause, we don't discriminate

Discovery is to be disowned

Our currency is flesh and bone

Hell opened up and put on sale

Gather 'round and haggle

For hard cash, we will lie and deceive

Even our masters don't know the web we weave

One world, it's a battleground

One world, and we will smash it down

One world, one world

Invisible transfers, long distance calls,

Hollow laughter in marble halls

Steps have been taken, a silent uproar

Has unleashed the dogs of war

You can't stop what has begun

Signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion

We all have a dark side, to say the least

And dealing in death is the nature of the beast

One world, it's a battleground

One world, and we will smash it down

One world, one world

The dogs of war don't negotiate

The dogs of war won't capitulate,

They will take and you will give,

And you must die so that they may live

You can knock at any door,

But wherever you go, you know they've been there before

Well winners can lose and things can get strained

But whatever you change, you know the dogs remain.

One world, it's a battleground

One world, and we will smash it down

One world, one world

Anonymous ID: afe6c9 March 4, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.548831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cult of Personality


Look in my eyes, what do you see?

The cult of personality

I know your anger, I know your dreams

I've been everything you want to be

I'm the cult of personality

Like Mussolini and Kennedy

I'm the cult of personality

The cult of personality

The cult of personality

Neon lights, a Nobel Prize

Then a mirror speaks, the reflection lies

You don't have to follow me

Only you can set me free

I sell the things you need to be

I'm the smiling face on your T.V.

I'm the cult of personality

I exploit you still you love me

I tell you one and one makes three

I'm the cult of personality

Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi

I'm the cult of personality

The cult of personality

The cult of personality

Neon lights a Nobel Prize

A leader speaks, that leader dies

You don't have to follow me

Only you can set you free

You gave me fortune

You gave me fame

You gave me power in your own god's name

I'm every person you need to be

Oh, I'm the cult of personality

I'm the cult of, I'm the cult of, I'm the cult of, I'm the cult of

I'm the cult of, I'm the cult of, I'm the cult of, I'm the cult of personality

“Ask not what your country can do for you”

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”

Sage ID: a2172c sage March 4, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.548861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Damn I hope this thread is NOT stickied.

Should have gone in “shit that doesn’t deserve its own thread”.

Anonymous ID: 928306 March 4, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.549584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

check out "blood red moon" by The Hives


Through the thick of the woods and the shimmering glare

The moon up above lights up the air

What the blood red moon brings it should come as no surprise

To a place with a meaning only few understand

The gathering six holding each other's hands

The willow it sings as to offer its advice


One can't stand without the other

And either will not run

The war can't be avoided but it can be won


Under the blood red moon

The blood red moon

Under the blood red moon

The blood red moon

Under the blood red moon


I can sit and watch bad history unfold

I control my own destiny I break up the mold

So what if I'm a witch shouldn't come as a surprise

Through the valley of fear I walk each day

But a circle of six now shows me the way

And now I climb mountains wherever they may rise


But I can't stand without you others and you are nothing without me

We've been ready all our lives to set the power free


Under the blood red moon

The blood red moon

Under the blood red moon

The blood red moon

Ooh under the blood red moon


But I can't stand without you others and you are nothing without me

We've been ready all our lives to set the power free


Under the blood red moon

The blood red moon

Under the blood red moon

The blood red moon

Ooh under the blood red moon

Anonymous ID: 6e0b0f ARCHIVE UNDERWAY March 4, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.549606   🗄️.is 🔗kun









Anonymous ID: 6e0b0f ARCHIVE UNDERWAY March 4, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.549613   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Anonymous ID: cbb91c March 4, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.549885   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hijack the Oscars tonight, Anon! Steal their hashtags and spread the red pills!

Q, what's your take on the Academy Awards and the sick Hollywood culture?

Anonymous ID: e2cdf1 March 7, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.578124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And the lyrics to "Open Your Eyes" (same 2015 Disturbed album) are another winning Q Bingo card.
