Good thing we have Gov. Desantis, he's propbably watching this very close. He knows a lot about DWS/Imran Awan/ Car Int. Awan. The Awans dealt in high class cars, note Omar was driving a high tech car and you know they can be remotely taken over. A Lot going on, Oswalt, NK and this.
Good grief, HWanon # fuckin 3? Sauce or GTFO!
You know guys, this sounds more like a witsec ops. One of the Awans (maybe Imran himself), has rolled big time and the proximity of DWS should be enough to scare the shit out of her. Need to keep watch of Debbie's conduct in the coming days. Fuckery afoot for sure, to connections and too obvious also!
HRC got wind of Huber dropping the hammer, bee hive state?