What is Q telling us with the Patton/Krassenstein tweets
Ap0logize if this has been established. Haven't been on the board much the past few days.
But…. it is very clear what the current message is. Those who are guilty make their own fakes, ones easy to prove.
Krassensteins made that fake video(also as a side point they insulted their "fans" by making him sound like an actual retard) and revealed it in order to claim: "What no we aren't paid, that video was faked by us as a joke"
Patton(or a proxy) makes an easily disprovable fake for the same reason.
I will admit, I was a little perplexed at first about Q posting the Krassenstein video as most of know the story behind that bullshit. Makes sense now. Who else has had photoshopped tweets out there that can be used to say "It wasn't me, it was those crazy kids and their photoshop"?