Debt still increasing WW
Wall funding = some for US but more for Israel, wtf
Israel Funding = 38 Billion
Israel Boycott law passed = Unconstitutional
Anti-Semitism Awareness Act = Passed 100-0
MAGA = Fifth degree of Satanism
MAGA = Witch or Magician in many languages
Left and Right = Marxists & Zionists working hand in glove ILLUSION OF CHOICE
Half Shekel = Coin minted with Trump on it in Israel to be used when the anti-Christ rules from the third temple in Jerusalem
US Gov = Israel first
Trump campaigning for Netanyahu = Israel first
Wars ended during Trump Presidency = 0
Regime change in Venezuela = underway
Plans for Regime change = Cuba Nicaragua Iran Syria Iraq Russia Yemen Libya All of Africa
Justice for the elite = 0
Arrests of elite = 0
Nuclear arms race = back on INF treaty disregarded
Military spending = Huge increases
Abortion laws = expanding WW
Withdrawal from Syria = More troops being sent
5G = still rolling out now endorsed by Trump
Chemtrails = still going
Censorship = increasing
Central bank = still in business
Vaccines = Being made mandatory WW
Poison removed from food/water supply = 0
Child sacrifice/pedophilia = Being normalized (you can now buy kid blood)
POTUS = Trojan Horse? (((Q+))) Blackmailed?
Q told us POTUS had the say so when this ended = POTUS failure to declas discredited Q
Endless promises followed by endless excuses and delays
Kushner = Chabad/Zionist Israel first
Arrests will happen regardless, whether they are staged or not will be the question. "You are watching a movie". The Zionists will be portrayed as the good guys and Marxists are the bad guy's. The Zionists will save the day and claim (((they))) are God's anointed and should be worshiped. Noahide World Order
I pray for the deceived that they can awaken and see they are being drawn into the hands of EVIL.
The God of this world who they are being tricked into praying to has them in hand.
Let no man deceive you, do NOT pray for false IDOLS.
Judge a man by his fruits.
Jesus = I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
The most high is watching.
Take that digital slap bitch now fuck off!
Mysterious underground vault discovered on grounds of N.S. legislature
Archaeologist says the large chamber isn't mentioned in any records or maps
Archaeologists expected the land surrounding Province House in downtown Halifax to be fertile ground for finding artifacts, but they never expected to uncover an underground stone vault roughly the size of a living room.
"It was a total surprise to the archaeologists and the construction crew," said April MacIntyre, principal archaeologist, in recalling the work she supervised over three months last summer and fall.
The structure was discovered Aug. 7 during part of the work to remodel the grounds surrounding the Nova Scotia legislature.
Crews had already dug a series of trenches to install a new electrical system and run audio and video cables, when a backhoe hit what was assumed to be bedrock near the corner of Prince and Hollis streets in front of the Joseph Howe statue.
"When they tried to break up the bedrock, it very quickly fell away," said MacIntyre.
"What we discovered was an open, dry-stone-laid chamber with a semicircular, vaulted-type roof."
In MacIntyre's recently filed report to the government, she described the mysterious chamber as "a subterranean stone-walled feature measuring approximately six metres north-south by four metres east-west and approximately three metres high to the top of the silt that has collected on the floor."
UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps for Trump Supporters (video)
WOW Mass mind control on roids!
Blocked Venezuela Bridge Was Never Opened in First Place
Several days ago, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo retweeted a photograph that purported to show how Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro had blocked a bridge with Colombia to prevent relief supplies from entering his country.
In fact, the bridge, which was completed in 2016, has never been open to traffic because of disputes between the two nations. It was Colombia that erected the fence and concrete blocks to seal off access, not Venezuela. And the barriers have been in place since 2016. You can even see the barrier in photos on Google Maps.
Image: 1*oQtacHM3zv-NQJx0cNJNjQ.png
In other words, the blockage has nothing to do with relief supplies or the current political crisis in Venezuela.
An eagle-eyed writer, Justin Emery, did the basic research that apparently no one in the mainstream media bothered to do, uncovering yet another lie by the Trump White House.
Here’s the photo that Pompeo retweeted and the media used without double-checking its accuracy.
At “World Government Summit,” Globalists Push UN Agenda 2030
Top globalists are coming out of the closet. Thousands of leading globalists, communists, Islamists and others from around the world converged on the Arabian Peninsula this month for the World Government Summit. Their goal: promote technocratic globalism and plot the future of what they often call their “New World Order.” Senior officials from the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, Communist China, central banks, and even the Trump administration showed up to mingle with heads of state and advocates of Islamic Sharia law from across the region. Even Pope Francis delivered a message. As usual, despite top U.S. media outlets partnering with the summit, the establishment press in the United States largely failed to inform Americans about it.
News releases promoting the World Government Summit — yes, it is really called the World Government Summit — boasted that the event “is setting the agenda for the next generation of governments.” And one of the key goals of the summit was advancing the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), often referred to as UN Agenda 2030. UN Deputy-Secretary General Amina Mohammed opened the summit by demanding that the radical UN scheme be implemented to avoid “life-threatening consequences for billions of people.” UN “High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda” Cristina Gallach echoed the hysteria. And throughout the summit, more than a few speakers touted the controversial UN agenda as if it were the key to saving humanity from every problem under the sun.
The UN goals, as this magazine has documented, include national and global wealth redistribution, government control over the economy, globalist indoctrination of all children, surrendering more sovereignty to global institutions, and much more. They are essentially a “master plan for humanity,” as UN bosses put it, to build a global technocratic government that would dominate every facet of human existence. Unsurprisingly, the mass-murdering Communist dictatorship enslaving China boasted that it played a “crucial role” in developing the UN agenda. And dictators from around the world celebrated the plan as well. The World Government Summit formally launched its SDG's in Action @ WGS platform in 2016 in partnership with the UN, the World Bank, and other outfits.
And the line-up of speakers was universally supportive of the agenda. In an address delivered to the World Government Summit after signing a controversial agreement with a top Sunni Muslim imam, Pope Francis, a fervent advocate of UN Agenda 2030, offered his “best wishes” for the work of summit attendees. Urging cooperation to address the “problems of each person in the global village,” the pope called for more environmentalism while using leftist rhetoric to drive a wedge between “people” and “capital and economic interests.”
Who Rules France? Not the French
The Representative Council of Jewish Organizations in France (CRIF) has instructed their puppet, the President of France, to criminalize opposition to Israel’s racist state ideology of Zionism. The puppet complied. Anti-Zionism is now equated with anti-Semitism. As Israel is Zionist, criticizing Israel is now considered hatred of Jews and is a hate crime. Thus has Macron put the final nail in the coffin of the Palestinian people and silenced all citizens of France who have a moral conscience and oppose the Israeli theft of Palestine and slaughter of the Palestinian people.
Macron’s masters have also instructed him to shut down the Yellow Vests protests because they are anti-Semitic. Frances Kalifat, one of the puppet masters who pulls Macron’s strings, has instructed Macron that “Drastic measures must be taken to bring thse demonstrations to an end.”
Kalifat pulled a number out of a hat and said the demonstrations had caused a 74% increase in anti-semitic acts. He doesn’t mean assauts on French Jews and their property. An ani-semitic act occurs when a French citizen expresses dismay that Israeli troops have shot down another Palestinian child in the street.
Now that Israel’s will has been forced on the French people by the French government, we will see if “drastic measures” against the Yellow Vests means shooting them down in the street.