To accomplish this, President Trump must announce temporary martial law
For the record, I wholly support this effort to arrest and prosecute the thousands of deep state traitors who have become a cancer upon America. Were you aware that James Comey was a communist? John Brennan, of course, has remained a communist for his entire adult life, and Barack Obama was a radical Muslim who despised America and worked every day to undermine it through a variety of nefarious means (including allowing U.S. military encryption technology to be captured by Iran via the U.S. drone “GPS spoofing” incident).
For starters, Barack Obama personally authorized the illegal “spygate” spying on Trump campaign officials. Barack Obama also allowed China to hack 21 million U.S. military personnel records, effectively dumping the entire U.S. Pentagon database into the hands of Communist China.
Trump’s plan to rescue America from the globalists
In order to halt this global dictatorship and defend America against traitors who are working to destroy it, President Trump must carry out the following actions:
1) Achieve the release of the declassified, unredacted deep state documents from within the FBI and DOJ that will reveal the full extent of deep state treason against America. (The FBI and DOJ are currently stalling this effort, furthering their treason against America and proving they have a lot to hide.) Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Warner have already committed acts of treason in calling on the FBI and DOJ to defy this presidential order.
2) Invoke the national emergency powers which are constitutionally granted to the executive branch of government. (Technically, this already happened in 2017.)
3) Invoke President Obama’s executive order 13618 and seize control of Google, Facebook, CNN, Washington Post and the New York Times to halt the treasonous lies, coordinated election fraud and political coup attempt which is being run by all these traitors of America.
4) Use all controlled communications channels to publicly declare the details of the crimes (and criminal actors) which have been committed against America. Disclose everything to the America people about how their country had been overrun and destroyed from within.
5) Order military police to find and arrest thousands of deep state traitors who have been deliberately undermining America from within. This will include hundreds of people inside the FBI and DOJ, plus hundreds more in the State Department and other agencies. Arrests must also include traitorous, corrupt federal judges who have deliberately undermined America by, for example, blocking Trump’s constitutional travel ban to protect America from enemy terrorists. Many traitors will attempt to flee the country, of course, and they will need to be located and brought to justice like former Nazi war criminals.
6) Issue an executive order demanding national voter ID for all future elections. No longer will America tolerate democracy being stolen by the votes of illegals who are granted voting rights by California and other complicit, anti-America states or cities.
7) Suspend elections during the military tribunals, but lay out a timeline for the restoration of elections and nationwide voting (with voter ID in place) to restore the rule of law and give America back to the American people.
8) Deploy the U.S. military along the southern border. Use the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall.
9) Promise to resign the presidency once the rule of law is restored in America, signaling to the American people that Trump plans to hand over power to the next elected President within a reasonable time period. Americans will rightly be concerned about martial law morphing into a military dictatorship. Trump needs to assure the American people that his job is to destroy the deep state, restore the rule of law, then get out of the way and retire as the greatest U.S. President in history — the President who saved America from traitors and communists.
The American people will not tolerate a permanent military dictatorship in America, but they will tolerate temporary martial law needed to drain the swamp, arrest the traitors and restore the rule of law.
During this time, by the way, the entire FBI likely needs to be disbanded and rebuilt from scratch. The agency’s credibility has been utterly destroyed by the actions of James Comey, Peter Strzok and others.
Watch the full video explaining all this in detail
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